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Journal Article
Mishra K, Jessel S, Lurie J, Pryor KO, Kaur G.  2019.  Academic Medical Missions - Reaching Those in Greatest Need? Ann Glob Health. 85(1):126.
Sabhlok SR, Pender V, Mauer E, Lipnick MS, Kaur G.  2020.  Addressing the gaps in mental health care for internally displaced persons.. J Glob Health. 10(1):010346.
Gotian R, Banguti PR, Kaur G, Brumberger E, Ference R, Tabaie S.  2024.  A biopsychosocial approach to global health contributes to the practice of socially accountable medicine at home.. Br J Anaesth.
Kaur G, Weinberg R, Milewski ARobert, Huynh S, Mauer E, Hemmings HCarroll, Pryor KOwen.  2020.  Chronic pain diagnosis in refugee torture survivors: A prospective, blinded diagnostic accuracy study.. PLoS Med. 17(6):e1003108.
Park JK, Yale-Loehr S, Kaur G.  2023.  DACA, public health, and immigrant restrictions on healthcare in the United States.. Lancet Reg Health Am. 21:100493.
Rodriguez-Hernandez M, Pilato TC, Yerdon KA, Kysel IM, Taki F, Yale-Loehr S, Kaur G, Burke AE, Koscal N.  2021.  Detained.. N Engl J Med. 384(19):1785-1787.
Taki F, Lurie J, Kaur G.  2022.  An ethical plan for including forcibly displaced persons in omics and digital technology research.. Nat Med.
Lurie JM, Pilato T, Kaur G.  2022.  Female genital mutilation/cutting and birthing: Enhanced education and training is critical for health care providers.. J Glob Health. 12:03059.
Kaur G.  2021.  From torture to ultraviolence: medical and legal implications.. Lancet.
Kaur G, Tabaie S, Brar J, Tangel V, Pryor KO.  2017.  Global health education in United States anesthesiology residency programs: a survey of resident opportunities and program director attitudes.. BMC Med Educ. 17(1):215.
Pilato TC, Taki F, Sbrollini K, Drake APurington, Maley B, Yale-Loehr S, Powers JL, Bazarova NN, Bhandari A, Kaur G.  2023.  Knowledge of legal rights as a factor of refugee and asylum seekers' health status: a qualitative study.. BMJ Open. 13(2):e063291.
Milewski A, Weinstein E, Lurie J, Lee A, Taki F, Pilato T, Jedlicka C, Kaur G.  2023.  Reported Methods, Distributions, and Frequencies of Torture Globally: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. JAMA Netw Open. 6(10):e2336629.
Pilato TC, Taki FA, Kaur G.  2021.  Safeguarding pregnant asylum-seekers and refugees during the era of COVID-19.. J Glob Health. 11:03026.
Kaur G, Pryor KO, Milewski AR, Weinberg R, Hemmings HC.  2023.  Torture mechanisms and chronic somatic pain in US refugees.. Br J Anaesth.
Oren T, Ercanli N, Maayan O, Tham S, Wright D, Kaur G.  2024.  Treatments and interventions addressing chronic somatic pain in torture survivors: A systematic review.. PLOS Glob Public Health. 4(3):e0003070.