Residency Support Council

The Residency Support Council (RSC) is a committee composed of second, third and fouth-year Cornell anesthesiology residents who are devoted to supporting their co-residents and each other at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center.



The Residency Support Council's mission is:

  • to be recognized as a committee of peers who support the concerns of all anesthesiology residents 
  • to act as a dedicated council of ethical listeners who advocate intelligent and proactive direction for the betterment of our community
  • to further foster an appreciation and meaningful exchange from our valued residents by embracing them beyond their profession, and to always promote their personal well-being


2024-2025 RSC

Apple picking


The RSC is thrilled to kick off the 2024-2025 academic year, which is already in full swing. So far, we’ve continued our monthly wellness programming and happy hours, supported a popular Brooklyn Pizza Crawl at city favorites like Fini and L’Industrie, and celebrated a resident victory over attendings and CRNAs at our Central Park Fall Softball Classic. Moving forward, we can’t wait to host our holiday get-together, intern check-in, and a post-ITE bowling and games event—all in addition to the CA-2 and CA-3 protected weekend retreats and our CA-3 graduation festivities. 

resident outings 

Beyond these events, we remain committed to resident well-being through our Big Sib Little Sib program, confidential support services, and resource guides for navigating new anesthesia rotations and acclimating to life in Manhattan. We’re grateful for the strong support from our department and dedicated faculty mentors who share our vision of a resident community that can enjoy both residency and life outside of work. 



Email the council any time at: Follow us on Instagram at: @cornell.anesthesia.residents.



The Residency Support Council offers the following services to residents: 

Confidential Support
RSC members are available for help, support, and guidance throughout the year and handle all concerns confidentially. 

Big Sib, Little Sib Mentorship Program
Each member of the new intern class is partnered with a resident from the RSC to be their peer mentor. 

OR Orientation
The RSC arranges OR orientations before each new resident’s anesthesia rotation. 

Orientation Guides
Guides to the intern, CA-1, CA-2, and CA-3 years have been developed by current and past residents, regularly undergo updating/refinement, and serve to orient residents to new clinical experiences at every training level. 

Social Events
The RSC organizes regular get-togethers during the year in the form of monthly departmental happy hours, seasonal softball games, fall apple-picking, new intern orientation week, and more! 

The RSC organizes periodic wellness sessions for the residents to help deal with common physician stressors such as burnout and financial planning. 

The RSC organizes and sponsors speakers and panels that address topics including fellowship selection/planning/application, networking and job search, and financial literacy/wellness. 





Drs. Amal Javaid, Akshay Shanker, Nicholas Wegener 




Drs. Benjamin Cote, Monica Liu, Nikki Thomasian



Drs. Adriano Belloti, Joshua Cadwell, Daniel Cho, Victoria Levy, Dale Tager


Attendings 2025

Drs. Neil Borad, Deirdre Kelleher, Zachary Turnbull, Maria Walline, Marissa Weber

Contact Us

Dept. of Anesthesiology
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine
525 East 68th Street, Box 124
New York, NY 10065

Office of the Chair
Phone: (212) 746-2962
E-mail:  Office of the Chair,

Residency and Fellowship Education
Direct all inquiries to:
Phone: (212) 746-2941
For trainee verification inquiries:

Patient Billing Inquiries
Phone: (646) 962-5700