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Journal Article
Krinsky HD, Kang Y, Pryor KO, Gotian R.  2022.  Approaching Potential Mentors as a Medical Student.. Acad Med.
Gotian R, Banguti PR, Kaur G, Brumberger E, Ference R, Tabaie S.  2024.  A biopsychosocial approach to global health contributes to the practice of socially accountable medicine at home.. Br J Anaesth.
Katzen JT, Gotian R, Brem RF.  2019.  Breast Imaging Fellowship Match: Program Directors' Perspectives in Year Two.. J Breast Imaging. 1(3):244-248.
Lurie JM, Brumberger E, Pryor KO, Gotian R.  2022.  Checking in on residents who commenced anaesthesia training during the COVID-19 pandemic to mitigate mental health impacts of their experience.. Br J Anaesth.
Weller J, Gotian R.  2023.  Evolution of the feedback conversation in anaesthesia education: a narrative review.. Br J Anaesth.
Groover S, Gotian R.  2020.  Five 'power skills' for becoming a team leader.. Nature. 577(7792):721-722.
Turnbull Z, Gotian R.  2020.  Five steps for networking during a pandemic.. Nature.
McCullough D, Gotian R.  2020.  Five tips for boosting diversity on campus.. Nature. 584(7822):654-655.
Shirak M, Gotian R.  2021.  Five tips for understanding and managing your emotions to build flourishing connections.. Nature.
Gotian R, Raymore JC, Rhooms S-K, Liberman L, Andersen OS.  2017.  Gateways to the Laboratory: How an MD-PhD Program Increased the Number of Minority Physician-Scientists.. Acad Med. 92(5):628-634.
Chan JM, Gotian R.  2023.  Going with the flow: how flow theory can enhance clinical teaching in anaesthesia.. Br J Anaesth.
Shanker A, Gotian R.  2022.  How and why to say 'no' to colleagues and collaborators.. Nature.
Brown L, Gotian R.  2023.  How pandemic lockdowns changed workplace friendships.. Nature.
Gotian R, Andersen OS.  2020.  How perceptions of a successful physician-scientist varies with gender and academic rank: toward defining physician-scientist's success.. BMC Med Educ. 20(1):50.
Fridland V, Gotian R.  2021.  Linguistic tricks to grab your online audience's attention.. Nature. 591(7851):S41-S42.
McCullough D, Gotian R.  2020.  Making anaesthesiology more inclusive: the time for action is now.. Br J Anaesth.
Bustillo M, Gotian R.  2020.  A mentoring circle supports women anaesthesiologists at every career stage.. Br J Anaesth.
Gotian R.  2020.  Mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Nature.
Gotian R.  2022.  My lesson from successful scientists: success can be learnt.. Nature.
Ayedun A, Agbelese V, Curry L, Gotian R, Castillo-Page L, White M, Antwi ADifie, Buchanan M, Girma M, Kline D et al..  2023.  Perspectives on National Institutes of Health Funding Requirements for Racial and Ethnic Diversity Among Medical Scientist Training Program Leadership.. JAMA Netw Open. 6(5):e2310795.
Hoyler MM, Pryor KO, Gotian R, Brumberger ED, Chan JM.  2023.  Resident Physicians as Clinical Educators in Anesthesiology: A Narrative Review.. Anesth Analg. 136(2):270-281.
Gotian R, Pfund C.  2021.  Six mentoring tips as we enter year two of COVID.. Nature.
Liberman L, Singh P, Tan KSee, Gotian R.  2023.  Summer Clinical Oncology Research Experience (SCORE) Program: Engaging Undergraduates from Diverse Backgrounds in Cancer Research.. J Cancer Educ. :1-6.
Davila JS, Gotian R.  2023.  Tormentor mentors, and how to survive them.. Nature.
Martinez-Strengel A, Samuels EA, Cross J, Cramer LD, Desai MM, Gotian R, Gross CP, Latimore D, Cavazos JE, Boatright D.  2022.  Trends in U.S. MD-PhD Program Matriculant Diversity by Sex and Race/Ethnicity.. Acad Med.