Resident Physicians as Clinical Educators in Anesthesiology: A Narrative Review.

TitleResident Physicians as Clinical Educators in Anesthesiology: A Narrative Review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsHoyler MM, Pryor KO, Gotian R, Brumberger ED, Chan JM
JournalAnesth Analg
Date Published2023 Feb 01
KeywordsAnesthesiology, Education, Medical, Education, Medical, Graduate, Humans, Internship and Residency, Physicians

The importance of resident physicians as clinical educators is widely acknowledged in many clinical specialties and by national accreditation organizations for medical education. Within anesthesiology training programs, there is growing attention to the role of trainees as clinical educators. This narrative review describes the theoretical and demonstrated benefits of clinical teaching by residents in anesthesiology and other medical fields, summarizes current efforts to support and promote residents as educators, and suggests ways in which anesthesiology training programs can further assess and develop the role of residents as clinical educators.

Alternate JournalAnesth Analg
PubMed ID36638511