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Heerdt PM, The AHS, Markov NP.  2005.  Anesthetic-induced alteration in expression of myocardial calcium cycling proteins.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 19(3):340-4.
Memtsoudis SG, The AHS, Heerdt PM.  2005.  Autonomic mechanisms in the age-related hypotensive effect of propofol.. Anesth Analg. 100(1):111-5.
Zhurov Y, Proekt A, Weiss KR, Brezina V.  2005.  Changes of internal state are expressed in coherent shifts of neuromuscular activity in Aplysia feeding behavior.. J Neurosci. 25(5):1268-80.
Picollo A, Pusch M.  2005.  Chloride/proton antiporter activity of mammalian CLC proteins ClC-4 and ClC-5.. Nature. 436(7049):420-3.
Watson SL, McCoy JG, Stavisky RC, Greer TF, Hanbury D.  2005.  Cortisol response to relocation stress in Garnett's bushbaby (Otolemur garnettii).. Contemp Top Lab Anim Sci. 44(3):22-4.
Ouyang W, Hemmings HC.  2005.  Depression by isoflurane of the action potential and underlying voltage-gated ion currents in isolated rat neurohypophysial nerve terminals.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 312(2):801-8.
Machida T, Heerdt PM, Reid AC, Schäfer U, Silver RB, M Broekman J, Marcus AJ, Levi R.  2005.  Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1/CD39, localized in neurons of human and porcine heart, modulates ATP-induced norepinephrine exocytosis.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 313(2):570-7.
Hemmings HC, Akabas MH, Goldstein PA, Trudell JR, Orser BA, Harrison NL.  2005.  Emerging molecular mechanisms of general anesthetic action.. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 26(10):503-10.
Jia F, Pignataro L, Schofield CM, Yue M, Harrison NL, Goldstein PA.  2005.  An extrasynaptic GABAA receptor mediates tonic inhibition in thalamic VB neurons.. J Neurophysiol. 94(6):4491-501.
Homanics GE, Elsen FP, Ying S-W, Jenkins A, Ferguson C, Sloat B, Yuditskaya S, Goldstein PA, Kralic JE, Morrow AL et al..  2005.  A gain-of-function mutation in the GABA receptor produces synaptic and behavioral abnormalities in the mouse.. Genes Brain Behav. 4(1):10-9.
Hemmings HC, Yan W, Westphalen RI, Ryan TA.  2005.  The general anesthetic isoflurane depresses synaptic vesicle exocytosis.. Mol Pharmacol. 67(5):1591-9.
Moskowitz HS, Yokoyama CT, Ryan TA.  2005.  Highly cooperative control of endocytosis by clathrin.. Mol Biol Cell. 16(4):1769-76.
Proekt A, Vilim FS, Alexeeva V, Brezina V, Friedman A, Jing J, Li L, Zhurov Y, Sweedler JV, Weiss KR.  2005.  Identification of a new neuropeptide precursor reveals a novel source of extrinsic modulation in the feeding system of Aplysia.. J Neurosci. 25(42):9637-48.
Cacheaux LP, Topf N, Tibbs GR, Schaefer UR, Levi R, Harrison NL, Abbott GW, Goldstein PA.  2005.  Impairment of hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated channel function by the intravenous general anesthetic propofol.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 315(2):517-25.
Mitchell SJ, Ryan TA.  2005.  Munc18-dependent regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis by syntaxin-1A in hippocampal neurons.. Neuropharmacology. 48(3):372-80.
Futter M, Uematsu K, Bullock SA, Kim Y, Hemmings HC, Nishi A, Greengard P, Nairn AC.  2005.  Phosphorylation of spinophilin by ERK and cyclin-dependent PK 5 (Cdk5).. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(9):3489-94.
Ying S-W, Goldstein PA.  2005.  Propofol suppresses synaptic responsiveness of somatosensory relay neurons to excitatory input by potentiating GABA(A) receptor chloride channels.. Mol Pain. 1:2.
Ying S-W, Goldstein PA.  2005.  Propofol-block of SK channels in reticular thalamic neurons enhances GABAergic inhibition in relay neurons.. J Neurophysiol. 93(4):1935-48.
Fu D, Vissavajjhala P, Hemmings HC.  2005.  Volatile anaesthetic effects on phospholipid binding to synaptotagmin 1, a presynaptic Ca2+ sensor.. Br J Anaesth. 95(2):216-21.