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Journal Article
Tedore T, Weinberg R, Witkin L, Giambrone GP, Faggiani SL, Fleischut PM.  2015.  Acute Pain Management/Regional Anesthesia.. Anesthesiol Clin. 33(4):739-51.
Turnbull ZA, Sastow D, Giambrone GP, Tedore T.  2017.  Anesthesia for the patient undergoing total knee replacement: current status and future prospects.. Local Reg Anesth. 10:1-7.
Rubin JE, Finnerty BM, Tedore T, Kelleher DC.  2021.  Commentary on: "Meta-analysis of mortality risk in octogenarians undergoing emergency general surgery operations".. Surgery.
Porter S, Prendiville E, Allen BFrazer Sco, Booth G, Boublik J, Burnett GW, Elkassabany N, Hausman J, Klesius L, Le-Wendling L et al..  2022.  Development of entrustable professional activities for regional anesthesia and pain medicine fellowship training.. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
La M, Tangel V, Gupta S, Tedore T, White RS.  2019.  Hospital safety net burden is associated with increased inpatient mortality and postoperative morbidity after total hip arthroplasty: a retrospective multistate review, 2007-2014.. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Kelleher DClare, Lippell R, Lui B, Ma X, Tedore T, Weinberg R, White RS.  2021.  Hospital safety-net burden is associated with increased inpatient mortality after elective total knee arthroplasty: a retrospective multistate review, 2007-2018.. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Darko M, Tangel VE, Gilman A, Cumbermack M, Kelleher DC, Tedore T, White RS.  2025.  Hospital Safety-Net Burden is Associated with Perioperative Outcomes in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Multistate Retrospective Analysis, 2015-2020.. Popul Health Manag.
Yadeau JT, Tedore T, Goytizolo EA, Kim DH, Green DST, Westrick A, Fan R, Rade MC, Ranawat AS, Coleman SH et al..  2012.  Lumbar plexus blockade reduces pain after hip arthroscopy: a prospective randomized controlled trial.. Anesth Analg. 115(4):968-72.
Groenendyk J, Mandler A, Luan D, Goljo E, Tedore T, Cheung JW, Markowitz SM.  2024.  Management of Rapid Atrial Fibrillation Using Stellate Ganglion Blockade.. JACC Case Rep. 29(18):102530.
Neuman MD, Feng R, Carson JL, Gaskins LJ, Dillane D, Sessler DI, Sieber F, Magaziner J, Marcantonio ER, Mehta S et al..  2021.  Spinal Anesthesia or General Anesthesia for Hip Surgery in Older Adults.. N Engl J Med. 385(22):2025-2035.
White SM, Tedore T, Shelton CL.  2023.  There is (probably) no (meaningful) difference in (most) outcomes between 'spinal' and 'general' anaesthesia for hip fracture surgery: time to move forward.. Br J Anaesth. 130(4):385-389.
Gausden EBishop, Garner MR, Warner SJ, Levack A, Nellestein AM, Tedore T, Flores E, Lorich DG.  2016.  Tranexamic acid in hip fracture patients: a protocol for a randomised, placebo controlled trial on the efficacy of tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss in hip fracture patients.. BMJ Open. 6(6):e010676.