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Journal Article
Rubin JE, Ng V, Chung J, Salvatierra N, Rippon B, Khatib D, Girardi NI, Pryor KO, Weinberg RY, Jiang S et al..  2024.  Efficacy of parasternal peripheral nerve catheters versus no block for median sternotomy: a single-centre retrospective study.. BJA Open. 11:100288.
Ackland GL, Pryor KO.  2019.  Electroencephalography-guided anaesthetic administration does not impact postoperative delirium among older adults undergoing major surgery: an independent discussion of the ENGAGES trial.. Br J Anaesth.
Rong LQ, Khan FM, Naik A, N Robinson B, Hameed I, Anderson LP, Rahouma M, Monteiro A, Sandner SE, Girardi LN et al..  2021.  Gender differences in the authorship of contemporary anaesthesia literature: a cross-sectional study.. Br J Anaesth. 126(5):e162-e164.
Kaur G, Tabaie S, Brar J, Tangel V, Pryor KO.  2017.  Global health education in United States anesthesiology residency programs: a survey of resident opportunities and program director attitudes.. BMC Med Educ. 17(1):215.
Rong LQ, Kamel MK, Rahouma M, Naik A, Mehta K, Abouarab AA, Di Franco A, Demetres M, Mustapich TL, Fitzgerald MM et al..  2019.  High-dose versus low-dose opioid anesthesia in adult cardiac surgery: A meta-analysis.. J Clin Anesth. 57:57-62.
Wang W, Hoyler MM, White RS, Tangel VE, Pryor KO.  2020.  Hospital Safety-Net Burden Is Associated With Increased Inpatient Mortality and Perioperative Complications After Colectomy.. J Surg Res. 259:24-33.
Rong LQ, Palumbo MC, Rahouma MM, Meineri M, Arguelles GR, Kim J, Lau C, Devereux RB, Pryor KO, Girardi LN et al..  2019.  Immediate of Impact Prosthetic Graft Replacement of the Ascending Aorta on Circumferential Strain in the Descending Aorta.. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg.
Wagner JL, White RS, Mauer EA, Pryor KO, Kjaer K.  2019.  Impact of anesthesiologist's fellowship status on the risk of general anesthesia for unplanned cesarean delivery.. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
Chen Y, Pryor KO, Avidan MS.  2016.  In Response.. Anesth Analg. 123(6):1639.
Pryor KO, Hemmings HC.  2013.  Increased Risk of Awareness under Anesthesia: An Issue of Consciousness or of Memory? Anesthesiology.
Hudson AE, Pryor KO.  2016.  Integration and Information: Anesthetic Unconsciousness Finds a New Bandwidth.. Anesthesiology. 125(5):832-834.
Tangel VE, Hoeks SE, Stolker RJan, Brown S, Pryor KO, de Graaff JC.  2024.  International multi-institutional external validation of preoperative risk scores for 30-day in-hospital mortality in paediatric patients.. Br J Anaesth.
Avidan MS, Maybrier HR, Ben Abdallah A, Jacobsohn E, Vlisides PE, Pryor KO, Veselis RA, Grocott HP, Emmert DA, Rogers EM et al..  2017.  Intraoperative ketamine for prevention of postoperative delirium or pain after major surgery in older adults: an international, multicentre, double-blind, randomised clinical trial.. Lancet. 390(10091):267-275.
Rong LQ, Rahouma M, Abouarab A, Di Franco A, Calautti NM, Fitzgerald MM, Arisha MJ, Ibrahim DA, Girardi LN, Pryor KO et al..  2018.  Intravenous and Inhaled Milrinone in Adult Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Pairwise and Network Meta-Analysis.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.
Ming Q, Liou J-Y, Yang F, Li J, Chu C, Zhou Q, Wu D, Xu S, Luo P, Liang J et al..  2020.  Isoflurane-Induced Burst Suppression Is a Thalamus-Modulated, Focal-Onset Rhythm With Persistent Local Asynchrony and Variable Propagation Patterns in Rats.. Front Syst Neurosci. 14:599781.
Pryor KO, Veselis RA.  2016.  Isolated Forearm Test: Replicated, Relevant, and Unexplained.. Anesthesiology.
Pryor KO, Veselis RA.  2017.  Isolated Forearm Test: Replicated, Relevant, and Unexplained.. Anesthesiology. 126(2):202-204.
Rubin JE, Pandian B, Jotwani R, Pryor KO, Rubin LA, Mack PF.  2023.  Leveraging spatial computing to improve crisis management training in anesthesiology.. J Clin Anesth. 93:111358.
Veselis RA, Pryor KO, Reinsel RA, Mehta M, Pan H, Johnson R.  2008.  Low-dose propofol-induced amnesia is not due to a failure of encoding: left inferior prefrontal cortex is still active.. Anesthesiology. 109(2):213-24.
Kang Y, P Mozley D, Verma A, Schlyer D, Henchcliffe C, Gauthier SA, Chiao PC, He B, Nikolopoulou A, Logan J et al..  2018.  Noninvasive PK11195-PET Image Analysis Techniques Can Detect Abnormal Cerebral Microglial Activation in Parkinson's Disease.. J Neuroimaging.
Memtsoudis SG, Ivascu NS, Pryor KO, Goldstein PA.  2020.  Obesity as a risk factor for poor outcome in COVID-19-induced lung injury: the potential role of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea.. Br J Anaesth.
Basem JI, Roth AF, White RS, Tangel VE, Jiang SY, Choi JM, Hoffman KL, Schenck EJ, Turnbull ZA, Pryor KO et al..  2022.  Patient care in rapid-expansion intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.. BMC Anesthesiol. 22(1):209.
Abouarab AA, Leonard JR, Ohmes LB, Lau C, Rong LQ, Ivascu NS, Pryor KO, Munjal M, Crea F, Massetti M et al..  2017.  Posterior Left pericardiotomy for the prevention of postoperative Atrial fibrillation after Cardiac Surgery (PALACS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.. Trials. 18(1):593.
Golaz R, Tangel VE, Lui B, Albrecht E, Pryor KO, White RS.  2020.  Post-operative outcomes and anesthesia type in total hip arthroplasty in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A retrospective analysis of the State Inpatient Databases.. J Clin Anesth. 69:110159.
Rong LQ, Di Franco A, Rahouma M, Dimagli A, Chan J, Lopes AJ, Kim J, Sanna T, Devereux RB, Delgado V et al..  2023.  Postoperative pericardial effusion, pericardiotomy and atrial fibrillation: an explanatory analysis of the PALACS trial.. Am Heart J.