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Mahadeo S, Lui B, Khusid E, Weber M, Jotwani R, Hoyler M, White RS.  2024.  Economic losses resulting from opioid overdose deaths in the United States between 2018 and 2020: By opioid type.. J Opioid Manag. 20(5):375-381.
Fusco N, Meuret L, Bernard F, Musellec H, Martin L, Léonard M, Lasocki S, Gazeau T, Aubertin R, Blayac D et al..  2024.  Effect of a comfort scale compared with a pain numerical rate scale on opioids consumption in postanaesthesia care unit: the COMFORT study.. Br J Anaesth. 133(4):839-845.
Hussain I, Kim SEun, Kwon C, Hoon SKyung, Kim HChan, Ku Y, Ro DHyun.  2024.  Estimation of patient-reported outcome measures based on features of knee joint muscle co-activation in advanced knee osteoarthritis.. Sci Rep. 14(1):12428.
Majure DT, Sayer G, Clerkin KJ, Karas MG, Jones M, Horn EM, Naka Y, Uriel N.  2024.  Impact of Age of Heart Transplant Program on Patient Survival and Post-Transplant Outcomes.. Clin Transplant. 38(7):e15387.
Millan PD, Kleiman AM, Friedman JF, Dunn LK, Gui JL, Bechtel AJ, Collins SR, Huffmyer JL, Dwivedi P, Wolpaw JT et al..  2024.  The impact of hindsight bias on the diagnosis of perioperative events by anesthesia providers: A multicenter randomized crossover study.. J Clin Anesth. 97:111549.
Hussain I, Kwon C, Noh T-S, Kim HChan, Suh M-W, Ku Y.  2024.  An interpretable tinnitus prediction framework using gap-prepulse inhibition in auditory late response and electroencephalogram.. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 255:108371.
Hussain I, Jany R.  2024.  Interpreting Stroke-Impaired Electromyography Patterns through Explainable Artificial Intelligence.. Sensors (Basel). 24(5)
Harik L, Habib RH, Dimagli A, Rahouma M, Perezgrovas-Olaria R, Soletti GJr, Alzghari T, An KR, Rong LQ, Sandner S et al..  2024.  Intraoperative Anemia Mediates Sex Disparity in Operative Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.. J Am Coll Cardiol. 83(9):918-928.
Myers LC, Soltesz L, Bosch N, Daly KA, Devis Y, Rucci J, Stevens J, Wunsch H, S Jafarzadeh R, Campbell CI et al..  2024.  Intravenous Opioid Administration During Mechanical Ventilation and Use After Hospital Discharge.. JAMA Netw Open. 7(6):e2417292.
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Myers LC, Bosch NA, Soltesz L, Daly KA, Campbell CI, Schwager E, Salvati E, Stevens JP, Wunsch H, Rucci JM et al..  2024.  Opioid Administration Practice Patterns in Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure Who Undergo Invasive Mechanical Ventilation.. Crit Care Explor. 6(7):e1123.
Marshall TE, Alqamish M, Salehi N, Asadi HAl, Lee-Saxton YJ, Tumati A, Greenspun B, Finnerty BM, Fahey TJ, Zarnegar R.  2024.  Safety and efficacy of robotic anti-reflux surgery in geriatric patients: a comparative analysis.. Surg Endosc. 38(9):5285-5291.