Epiphyseal replacement in a murine model.

TitleEpiphyseal replacement in a murine model.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsSavarese JJ, Brinken BW, Zaleske DJ
JournalJ Pediatr Orthop
Date Published1995 Sep-Oct
KeywordsAnimals, Animals, Newborn, Epiphyses, Femur, Knee Joint, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Tibia

Epiphyseal replacement was performed via knee transplantation using donor tissue of different developmental times in a murine model. The performance of syngeneic donor tissue in a resection defect in 4-day-old mice of the same inbred strain was assessed over 2 weeks for cell viability, tritiated thymidine incorporation, and ability to attract a host blood supply, and at 2 months, with the existence of a joint and growth. Although there was variability within experimental groups, the syngeneic transplant was able to survive pending vascular invasion from the host. Growth occurred, although it never equaled normal growth. One possible approach to the difficult problem of joint reconstruction in the immature skeleton is to divide the endeavor into two parts: develop models of syngeneic joint transplantation in inbred strains of animals to assess the various problems that would occur were this tissue available and develop models of joint "synthesis" with autogeneic chondrocytes.

Alternate JournalJ Pediatr Orthop
PubMed ID7593586
Grant ListAR39380 / AR / NIAMS NIH HHS / United States