Nancy Glass, PhD, MPH, RN

Dr. Nancy Glass is Professor and Independence Foundation Chair at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Dr. Nancy Glass has 23 years of experience in conducting clinical and community-based gender based violence (GBV) prevention and response interventions and research with diverse populations across multiple settings globally. She currently serves as the Principal investigator (PI) of four U.S. government (e.g. NIH/NICHD, DOJ, CDC, OWH) funded multidisciplinary research projects to improve safety, health and economic security and address gender inequity in households, community and health care systems.

Dr. Glass led two NIH funded trials to determine the effectiveness of a hybrid microfinance/asset transfer program on economic security, health and gender equality in rural villages in Eastern DR Congo. She served as the PI of the UNICEF funded impact evaluation of the Communities Care program (CCP).  CCP is a community based GBV prevention and response program for humanitarian settings, implemented Somalia and South Sudan. She led the World Bank, UNFPA, UNICEF funded project to determine prevalence of GBV victimization and perpetration in the 3 regions (Southern Central, Puntland, and Somaliland) of Somalia. She was a co-investigator on a Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugee and Migration (BPRM) funded partnership to examine the feasibility and acceptability of implementing the ASIST-GBV, a brief assessment tool to identify GBV survivors in displaced and refugee populations in Kenya after previously developing and testing the tool with refugees and internally displaced populations in Ethiopia, Uganda and Colombia.

In all research collaborations, her team partners with local experts to use innovative technologies and methodologies to deliver programs and to collect confidential and secure data, reach diverse populations and provide tools and resources to women, families, communities and service providers. 

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