A Statement from the Department of Anesthesiology
The Black community and the United States at large are reeling as the COVID-19 pandemic kills minorities at alarmingly disproportionate rates and racially-motivated killings dominate the news. The killings of George Floyd in Minnesota, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky and Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia have forced hatred to the forefront of the American mind yet again. Even our own diverse city is vulnerable to episodes of discrimination, as shown by recent events in Central Park where a Black man was falsely reported to the police.
Everywhere we turn, hatred and polarization seem to appear.
As physicians, we took an oath to serve our patients with equity and integrity. We as anesthesia providers have arguably the most responsibility for patients’ lives; as such, we should strive to be egalitarian protectors to all races and creeds.
As a department, diversity is one of our greatest strengths and a pillar of our mission. Different perspectives and ideas keep a community productive, innovative and healthy. We must unequivocally condemn hatred, racism and murder. Our department is committed to helping people from all groups thrive in employee development, hiring and patient care.
Please join us in this endeavor.
Dr. Danielle McCullough
Chair of the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion
Dr. Hugh C. Hemmings, Jr.
Joseph F. Artusio Professor and Chair
Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Anesthesiology