Virtual reality for procedural education: Lumbar medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy.

TitleVirtual reality for procedural education: Lumbar medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsJotwani R, Fiore M, Yong RJason, Hao D
JournalInterv Pain Med
Date Published2022 Mar

Virtual reality (VR) simulation is an emerging tool in medical education. Simulation conducted in VR can reproduce procedural scenarios and allow for immersive interaction with anatomic models. This has the potential to improve understanding of anatomy and concepts relevant to interventional procedures. Here, we present a "proof-of-concept" modeling of lumbar thermal radiofrequency neurotomy through cost-effective, commercially available VR hardware and software. With this technology, we can demonstrate key fluoroscopic views and needle trajectories based on specific recommendations from Spine Intervention Society guidelines. Furthermore, the learner can manipulate the model in multiple 3-dimensional axes to visualize anatomy relevant to key fluoroscopic views. Finally, the content can be exported by recording a live casting stream, thus offering an approach for future content creation and collaboration. VR technology is an emerging educational modality that offers immersive and interactive features that may offer advantages to traditional visual teaching modalities.

Alternate JournalInterv Pain Med
PubMed ID39238813
PubMed Central IDPMC11372983