Steady-state pharmacokinetics of controlled release oral morphine sulphate in healthy subjects.

TitleSteady-state pharmacokinetics of controlled release oral morphine sulphate in healthy subjects.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsSavarese JJ, Goldenheim PD, Thomas GB, Kaiko RF
JournalClin Pharmacokinet
Date Published1986 Nov-Dec
KeywordsAdult, Delayed-Action Preparations, Humans, Kinetics, Morphine

The pharmacokinetics of oral morphine sulphate as controlled release tablets ('MS-Contin') and solution were compared at steady-state. Plasma morphine concentrations were determined over 24 hours following the last dose of each drug when given in a randomised, crossover fashion to healthy subjects. Radioimmunoassay was used, which was sensitive yet provided good specificity relative to high-performance liquid chromatography. Controlled release tablets had 86% the bioavailability of the solution. Although each dose of controlled release tablets was double that of the solution, their peak plasma concentrations were the same. Time to maximum concentration was 3 times longer for controlled release tablets with an absorption half-life twice that of the solution. Elimination of both drugs was similar and biphasic with the minor terminal portion at 10 times the half-life of the major early process. These data explain the analgesic duration of 12 hours observed in clinical studies and the lack of accumulation with morphine compared with methadone.

Alternate JournalClin Pharmacokinet
PubMed ID3802690