Real-time analysis of enzymatic surface-initiated polymerization using surface plasmon resonance (SPR).

TitleReal-time analysis of enzymatic surface-initiated polymerization using surface plasmon resonance (SPR).
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsKim Y-R, Paik H-J, Ober CK, Coates GW, Mark SS, Ryan TE, Batt CA
JournalMacromol Biosci
Date Published2006 Feb 10
KeywordsAcyltransferases, Cupriavidus necator, Enzymes, Immobilized, Gold, Microscopy, Atomic Force, Nitrilotriacetic Acid, Organometallic Compounds, Polyesters, Recombinant Proteins, Silicon, Surface Plasmon Resonance

The kinetics of enzymatic surface-initiated polymerization of PHB on gold surface has been examined by SPR and the resultant polymer layers characterized by AFM and FT-IR spectrometry. The immobilized enzyme catalyzed surface-initiated polymerization of 3HB-CoA, resulting in the formation of a polymer brush on the surface. The rate of polymer growth from the surface was monitored by SPR in real-time. Polymer growth as measured by the increase in the resonance angle showed no apparent lag phase during the polymerization reaction. SPR analysis also revealed that the thickness of the polymer film could be controlled by varying the initial enzyme density on the surface. The average thicknesses of the PHB film after polymerization reaction were 95, 45 and 15 nm for the surfaces that were treated with 0.5, 0.3 and 0.1*10(-6) M of enzyme, respectively. The binding of PHA synthase at different concentration to the mixed SAMs and subsequent polymerization.

Alternate JournalMacromol Biosci
PubMed ID16432845