High stakes anesthesia: Anesthetic considerations and implications for complete dental extraction in a patient with complex comorbidities.

TitleHigh stakes anesthesia: Anesthetic considerations and implications for complete dental extraction in a patient with complex comorbidities.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsPanchamia RK, Samuels JD
JournalJ Dent Anesth Pain Med
Date Published2019 Jun

This case report describes a frail, middle-aged woman with multiple comorbidities who was scheduled to undergo extraction of all remaining teeth in anticipation of cardiac quadruple valve intervention. Dental and anesthetic management of the patient are discussed. Medical care of the patient with a high burden of comorbidities requires a multidisciplinary approach even for a routine dental procedure.

Alternate JournalJ Dent Anesth Pain Med
PubMed ID31338423
PubMed Central IDPMC6620538