Carbon emissions of single-use anaesthetic drug trays: more than meets the eye in life cycle assessment.

TitleCarbon emissions of single-use anaesthetic drug trays: more than meets the eye in life cycle assessment.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsKelleher DC, H Y Ip V
JournalBr J Anaesth
Date Published2024 Nov 14

Life cycle assessment is increasingly used in the healthcare sector to facilitate more environmentally informed supply and medication use. A thorough life cycle assessment comparing the carbon impacts of 10 different single-use anaesthetic drug trays yielded surprising findings. Although life cycle assessment can guide decision-making, results must be interpreted clinically and in light of all available options, including eliminating unnecessary consumption altogether. Effective life cycle assessment in healthcare that is clinically applicable requires expertise from both environmental scientists and clinicians.

Alternate JournalBr J Anaesth
PubMed ID39547872