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Hemmings HC, Rosenberg AD, Reilly CS, Hunter JM.  2010.  The 2010 BJA/PGA supplement: a selection of 10 educational reviews.. Br J Anaesth. 105 Suppl 1:i1-2.
Purtell K, Roepke TK, Abbott GW.  2010.  Cardiac arrhythmia and thyroid dysfunction: a novel genetic link.. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 42(11):1767-70.
Pamnani A, Dhar P, Gadalla F.  2010.  The case of the missing needle.. Anesthesiology. 113(1):208.
Mantz J, Hemmings HC, Boddaert J.  2010.  Case scenario: postoperative delirium in elderly surgical patients.. Anesthesiology. 112(1):189-95.
Accardi A, Picollo A.  2010.  CLC channels and transporters: proteins with borderline personalities.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1798(8):1457-64.
Kopman AF, Lien CA, Naguib M.  2010.  Determining the potency of neuromuscular blockers: are traditional methods flawed? Br J Anaesth. 104(6):705-10.
Zifarelli G, Liantonio A, Gradogna A, Picollo A, Gramegna G, De Bellis M, Murgia AR, Babini E, D Camerino C, Pusch M.  2010.  Identification of sites responsible for the potentiating effect of niflumic acid on ClC-Ka kidney chloride channels.. Br J Pharmacol. 160(7):1652-61.
Lien CA.  2010.  Neostigmine: how much is necessary for patients who receive a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent? Anesthesiology. 112(1):16-8.
Pamnani A, Rosenstein M, Darwich A, Wolfson A.  2010.  Neuraxial anesthesia for labor and cesarean delivery in a parturient with hereditary antithrombin deficiency on recombinant human antithrombin infusion therapy.. J Clin Anesth. 22(6):450-3.
Picollo A, Malvezzi M, Accardi A.  2010.  Proton block of the CLC-5 Cl-/H+ exchanger.. J Gen Physiol. 135(6):653-9.
Gradogna A, Babini E, Picollo A, Pusch M.  2010.  A regulatory calcium-binding site at the subunit interface of CLC-K kidney chloride channels.. J Gen Physiol. 136(3):311-23.
Tanabe M, Nimigean CM, Iverson TM.  2010.  Structural basis for solute transport, nucleotide regulation, and immunological recognition of Neisseria meningitidis PorB.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(15):6811-6.
Naguib M, Kopman AF, Lien CA, Hunter JM, Lopez A, Brull SJ.  2010.  A survey of current management of neuromuscular block in the United States and Europe.. Anesth Analg. 111(1):110-9.
Roepke TK, Purtell K, King EC, La Perle KMD, Lerner DJ, Abbott GW.  2010.  Targeted deletion of Kcne2 causes gastritis cystica profunda and gastric neoplasia.. PLoS One. 5(7):e11451.
Goldfinger MM, Sandadi J.  2010.  Undiagnosed systemic mastocytosis in a teenager revealed during general anesthesia.. Paediatr Anaesth. 20(3):290-1.
Salemi A, Lee B, Ivascu N, Webber G, Paul S.  2010.  An unusual case of cardiac tamponade: ruptured subaortic diverticulum.. J Card Surg. 25(3):349-50.
Pryor KO, Reinsel RA, Mehta M, Li Y, Wixted JT, Veselis RA.  2010.  Visual P2-N2 complex and arousal at the time of encoding predict the time domain characteristics of amnesia for multiple intravenous anesthetic drugs in humans.. Anesthesiology. 113(2):313-26.