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Ivascu NS, Gaudino M, Lau C, Segal AZ, Debois WJ, Munjal M, Girardi LN.  2015.  Nonischemic Postoperative Seizure Does Not Increase Mortality After Cardiac Surgery.. Ann Thorac Surg. 100(1):101-6.
Skubas NJ, Shernan SK, Bollen B.  2015.  An Overview of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association 2014 Valve Heart Disease Practice Guidelines: What Is Its Relevance for the Anesthesiologist and Perioperative Medicine Physician? Anesth Analg. 121(5):1132-8.
Sun H, Culley DJ, Lien CA, Kitchener DL, Harman AE, Warner DO.  2015.  Predictors of performance on the Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program® (MOCA®) examination.. J Clin Anesth. 27(1):1-6.
Skubas NJ, Lang RM.  2015.  Proximal isovelocity surface area: the three-dimensional "correction".. Anesth Analg. 120(3):513-4.
Calder EL, Tchieu J, Steinbeck JA, Tu E, Keros S, Ying S-W, Jaiswal MK, Cornacchia D, Goldstein PA, Tabar V et al..  2015.  Retinoic Acid-Mediated Regulation of GLI3 Enables Efficient Motoneuron Derivation from Human ESCs in the Absence of Extrinsic SHH Activation.. J Neurosci. 35(33):11462-81.
Kato MA, Green N, O'Connell K, Till SD, Kramer DJ, Al-Khelaifi M, Han JHee, Pryor KO, Gobin Y-P, Proekt A.  2015.  A retrospective analysis of severe intraoperative respiratory compliance changes during ophthalmic arterial chemosurgery for retinoblastoma.. Paediatr Anaesth. 25(6):595-602.
Gulati A, Shah, iv R, Puttanniah V, Hung JC, Malhotra V.  2015.  A retrospective review and treatment paradigm of interventional therapies for patients suffering from intractable thoracic chest wall pain in the oncologic population.. Pain Med. 16(4):802-10.
Skubas NJ.  2015.  Teaching whole body point-of-care ultrasound: advancing the skills of tomorrow's anesthesiologists.. Anesthesiology. 123(3):499-500.
Picollo A, Malvezzi M, Accardi A.  2015.  TMEM16 proteins: unknown structure and confusing functions.. J Mol Biol. 427(1):94-105.
Nishimura RA, Otto CM, Bonow RO, Carabello BA, Erwin JP, Guyton RA, O'Gara PT, Ruiz CE, Skubas NJ, Sorajja P et al..  2014.  2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines.. Circulation. 129(23):e521-643.
Pryor KO, Root JC.  2014.  Chasing the shadows of implicit memory under anesthesia.. Anesth Analg. 119(5):1026-8.
Gulati A, Puttanniah V, Hung J, Malhotra V.  2014.  Considerations for evaluating the use of intrathecal drug delivery in the oncologic patient.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 18(2):391.
Klein AA, Skubas NJ, Ender J.  2014.  Controversies and complications in the perioperative management of transcatheter aortic valve replacement.. Anesth Analg. 119(4):784-98.
Lien CA, Kopman AF.  2014.  Current recommendations for monitoring depth of neuromuscular blockade.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 27(6):616-22.
Alexander BL, Skubas NJ.  2014.  Diagnosis of cardiac rhythm with transmitral flow.. Anesth Analg. 118(3):521-4.
Meltzer ECowen, Ivascu NS, Fins JJ.  2014.  DNR and ECMO: a paradox worth exploring.. J Clin Ethics. 25(1):13-9.
Alonso LM, Proekt A, Schwartz TH, Pryor KO, Cecchi GA, Magnasco MO.  2014.  Dynamical criticality during induction of anesthesia in human ECoG recordings.. Front Neural Circuits. 8:20.
Meltzer EC, Ivascu NS, Acres CA, Stark M, Furman RR, Fins JJ.  2014.  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to chemotherapy in an Orthodox Jewish patient.. Oncologist. 19(9):985-9.
Meltzer EC, Ivascu NS, Acres CA, Stark M, Kirkpatrick JN, Paul S, Sedrakyan A, Fins JJ.  2014.  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in adults: a brief review and ethical considerations for nonspecialist health providers and hospitalists.. J Hosp Med. 9(12):808-13.
Pamnani A, Skubas NJ.  2014.  Imaging artifacts during transesophageal echocardiography.. Anesth Analg. 118(3):516-20.
Memtsoudis SG, Stundner O, Rasul R, Chiu Y-L, Sun X, Ramachandran S-K, Kaw R, Fleischut P, Mazumdar M.  2014.  The impact of sleep apnea on postoperative utilization of resources and adverse outcomes.. Anesth Analg. 118(2):407-18.
Skubas NJ, Mahajan A.  2014.  Intraoperative evaluation of left ventricular volume and function: it is time to usher in the third dimension.. Anesth Analg. 118(4):698-700.
Pryor KO, Hemmings HC.  2014.  NAP5: intraoperative awareness detected, and undetected.. Br J Anaesth. 113(4):530-3.
Hung JC, Azam N, Puttanniah V, Malhotra V, Gulati A.  2014.  Neurolytic transversus abdominal plane block with alcohol for long-term malignancy related pain control.. Pain Physician. 17(6):E755-60.
Chai CM, Banu MA, Cobb W, Mehta N, Heier L, Boockvar JA.  2014.  Novel hydrogel application in minimally invasive surgical approaches to spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Report of 2 cases.. J Neurosurg. 121(4):976-82.