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Journal Article
Rubin JE, Finnerty BM, Tedore T, Kelleher DC.  2021.  Commentary on: "Meta-analysis of mortality risk in octogenarians undergoing emergency general surgery operations".. Surgery.
Rubin JE, Ng V, Chung J, Salvatierra N, Rippon B, Khatib D, Girardi NI, Pryor KO, Weinberg RY, Jiang S et al..  2024.  Efficacy of parasternal peripheral nerve catheters versus no block for median sternotomy: a single-centre retrospective study.. BJA Open. 11:100288.
Rubin JE, Pandian B, Jotwani R, Pryor KO, Rubin LA, Mack PF.  2023.  Leveraging spatial computing to improve crisis management training in anesthesiology.. J Clin Anesth. 93:111358.
Rubin JE, Lee C, Lichtman AD.  2020.  A Man in His 80s With Abnormal Arterial Line Pulse Waveforms.. JAMA Cardiol.
Jotwani R, Cheung CA, Hoyler MM, Lin JY, Perlstein MD, Rubin JE, Chan JM, Pryor KO, Brumberger ED.  2020.  Trial under fire: one New York City anaesthesiology residency programme's redesign for the COVID-19 surge.. Br J Anaesth.
Rubin JE, Shanker A, Berman AB, Pandian B, Jotwani R.  2024.  Utilisation of extended reality for preprocedural planning and education in anaesthesiology: a practical guide for spatial computing.. Br J Anaesth.
Wang EF, Yu J, Rubin JE, Jotwani R.  2023.  Virtual reality training and modeling to aid in pre-procedural practice for thoracic nerve root block in the setting of a schwannoma.. Interv Pain Med. 2(1):100180.