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Journal Article
Veselis RA, Pryor KO, Reinsel RA, Li Y, Mehta M, Johnson R.  2009.  Propofol and midazolam inhibit conscious memory processes very soon after encoding: an event-related potential study of familiarity and recollection in volunteers.. Anesthesiology. 110(2):295-312.
White RS, Tangel VE, Lui B, Jiang SY, Pryor KO, Abramovitz SE.  2023.  Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Delivery In-Hospital Mortality or Maternal End-Organ Injury: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2020.. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 32(12):1292-1307.
Hoyler MM, Pryor KO, Gotian R, Brumberger ED, Chan JM.  2023.  Resident Physicians as Clinical Educators in Anesthesiology: A Narrative Review.. Anesth Analg. 136(2):270-281.
Kato MA, Green N, O'Connell K, Till SD, Kramer DJ, Al-Khelaifi M, Han JHee, Pryor KO, Gobin Y-P, Proekt A.  2015.  A retrospective analysis of severe intraoperative respiratory compliance changes during ophthalmic arterial chemosurgery for retinoblastoma.. Paediatr Anaesth. 25(6):595-602.
Pryor KO, Sleigh J.  2011.  The seven bridges of Königsberg.. Anesthesiology. 114(4):739-40.
Chen Y, White RS, Tangel V, Noori SA, Gaber-Baylis LK, Mehta ND, Pryor KO.  2019.  Sickle cell disease and readmissions rates after lower extremity arthroplasty: a multistate analysis 2007-2014.. J Comp Eff Res. 8(6):403-422.
Pryor KO, Lien CA, Fahey TJ, Goldstein PA.  2006.  Supplemental oxygen and risk of surgical wound infection.. JAMA. 295(14):1642;authorreply1642-3.
Mitchell KB, Giiti G, Kotecha V, Chandika A, Pryor KO, Härtl R, Gilyoma J.  2013.  Surgical education at Weill Bugando Medical Centre: supplementing surgical training and investing in local health care providers.. Can J Surg. 56(3):199-203.
Pryor KO, Fahey TJ, Lien CA, Goldstein PA.  2004.  Surgical site infection and the routine use of perioperative hyperoxia in a general surgical population: a randomized controlled trial.. JAMA. 291(1):79-87.
Kaur G, Pryor KO, Milewski AR, Weinberg R, Hemmings HC.  2023.  Torture mechanisms and chronic somatic pain in US refugees.. Br J Anaesth.
Jotwani R, Cheung CA, Hoyler MM, Lin JY, Perlstein MD, Rubin JE, Chan JM, Pryor KO, Brumberger ED.  2020.  Trial under fire: one New York City anaesthesiology residency programme's redesign for the COVID-19 surge.. Br J Anaesth.
Rong LQ, Kaushal M, Mauer E, Pryor KO, Kenfield M, Shore-Lesseron L, Gaudino MFL, Neuburger PJ.  2020.  Two- or 3-Dimensional Echocardiography-Derived Cardiac Output Cannot Replace the Pulmonary Artery Catheter in Cardiac Surgery.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.
Safavynia SA, Arora S, Pryor KO, García PS.  2018.  An update on postoperative delirium: Clinical features, neuropathogenesis, and perioperative management.. Curr Anesthesiol Rep. 8(3):252-262.
Safavynia SA, Arora S, Pryor KO, García PS.  2018.  An update on postoperative delirium: Clinical features, neuropathogenesis, and perioperative management.. Curr Anesthesiol Rep. 8(3):252-262.
Rong LQ, Rahouma M, Neuburger PJ, Arguelles G, Emerson J, Mauer E, Tam C, Shore-Lesserson L, Pryor KO, Gaudino M.  2019.  Use of Pulmonary Artery Pulsatility Index in Cardiac Surgery.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.
Tangel VE, Lui B, Aladdin DEl Halawan, Pryor KO, White RS.  2021.  Validity of comorbidity adjustment scores in estimating in-hospital mortality in individual subgroups of race/ethnicity.. J Comp Eff Res. 10(10):823-829.
Pryor KO, Reinsel RA, Mehta M, Li Y, Wixted JT, Veselis RA.  2010.  Visual P2-N2 complex and arousal at the time of encoding predict the time domain characteristics of amnesia for multiple intravenous anesthetic drugs in humans.. Anesthesiology. 113(2):313-26.