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Frank SM, Cushing MM.  2021.  Bleeding, anaemia, and transfusion: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.. Br J Anaesth. 126(1):5-9.
Emhardt EA, Hirst PC, Safavynia SA.  2021.  Clinicians' Attention in Today's Overstimulated World.. Crit Care Med. 49(5):e549-e551.
Rodriguez-Hernandez M, Pilato TC, Yerdon KA, Kysel IM, Taki F, Yale-Loehr S, Kaur G, Burke AE, Koscal N.  2021.  Detained.. N Engl J Med. 384(19):1785-1787.
Rosario L, Jotwani R, Chen J, White RS, Aaronson JA.  2021.  The economic cost of gender disparities in perioperative medicine.. J Comp Eff Res. 10(5):339-342.
Hoyler MM, White RS, Mack PFogarty, Kelleher DC.  2021.  Environmental report cards in anesthesia care: A quality metric for patients, providers and institutions.. J Clin Anesth. 73:110355.
Rong LQ, Khan FM, Naik A, N Robinson B, Hameed I, Anderson LP, Rahouma M, Monteiro A, Sandner SE, Girardi LN et al..  2021.  Gender differences in the authorship of contemporary anaesthesia literature: a cross-sectional study.. Br J Anaesth. 126(5):e162-e164.
Kim M, Li G, Mohan S, Turnbull ZA, Kiran RP, Li G.  2021.  Intraoperative Data Enhance the Detection of High-Risk Acute Kidney Injury Patients When Added to a Baseline Prediction Model.. Anesth Analg. 132(2):430-441.
Mack PFogarty.  2021.  Medication safety in nonoperating room anesthesiology.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 34(4):443-448.
Borchers F, Spies CD, Feinkohl I, Brockhaus W-R, Kraft A, Kozma P, Fislage M, Kühn S, Ionescu C, Speidel S et al..  2021.  Methodology of measuring postoperative cognitive dysfunction: a systematic review.. Br J Anaesth. 126(6):1119-1127.
Pan S, Rong LQia.  2021.  Mobile Applications in Clinical and Perioperative Care for Anesthesia: Narrative Review.. J Med Internet Res. 23(9):e25115.
Lee JY, Walsh KJ.  2021.  Rigid bronchoscopy and tracheal resection in the management of tracheal chondrosarcoma: A case report.. J Clin Anesth. 71:110241.
Vlisides PE, Vogt KM, Pal D, Schnell E, Armstead WM, Brambrink AM, Kuo P, Nelson P, Vacas S, Goettel N et al..  2021.  Roadmap for Conducting Neuroscience Research in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond: Recommendations From the SNACC Research Committee.. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 33(2):100-106.
Pilato TC, Taki FA, Kaur G.  2021.  Safeguarding pregnant asylum-seekers and refugees during the era of COVID-19.. J Glob Health. 11:03026.
Neuman MD, Feng R, Carson JL, Gaskins LJ, Dillane D, Sessler DI, Sieber F, Magaziner J, Marcantonio ER, Mehta S et al..  2021.  Spinal Anesthesia or General Anesthesia for Hip Surgery in Older Adults.. N Engl J Med. 385(22):2025-2035.
Baker HA, Safavynia SA, Evered LA.  2021.  The 'third wave': impending cognitive and functional decline in COVID-19 survivors.. Br J Anaesth. 126(1):44-47.
Tangel VE, Lui B, Aladdin DEl Halawan, Pryor KO, White RS.  2021.  Validity of comorbidity adjustment scores in estimating in-hospital mortality in individual subgroups of race/ethnicity.. J Comp Eff Res. 10(10):823-829.
Evered L, Biccard B.  2020.  A call to action: evaluation of perioperative neurocognitive disorders in low- and middle-income countries.. Br J Anaesth. 125(4):432-435.
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Hoyler MM, Tam CW, Thalappillil R, Jiang S, Ma X, Lui B, White RS.  2020.  The impact of hospital safety-net burden on mortality and readmission after CABG surgery.. J Card Surg. 35(9):2232-2241.
Silagy AW, Hannum ML, Mano R, Attalla K, Scarpa JR, DiNatale RG, Marcon J, Coleman JA, Russo P, Tan KS et al..  2020.  Impact of intraoperative opioid and adjunct analgesic use on renal cell carcinoma recurrence: role for onco-anaesthesia.. Br J Anaesth. 125(5):e402-e404.
Wague A, Joseph TT, Woll KA, Bu W, Vaidya KA, Bhanu NV, Garcia BA, Nimigean CM, Eckenhoff RG, Riegelhaupt PM.  2020.  Mechanistic insights into volatile anesthetic modulation of K2P channels.. Elife. 9
Lennie Y, Leareng K, Evered L.  2020.  Perioperative considerations for transgender women undergoing routine surgery: a narrative review.. Br J Anaesth. 124(6):702-711.
Evered LA, Vitug S, Scott DA, Silbert B.  2020.  Preoperative Frailty Predicts Postoperative Neurocognitive Disorders After Total Hip Joint Replacement Surgery.. Anesth Analg. 131(5):1582-1588.
Palumbo MC, Rong LQ, Kim J, Navid P, Sultana R, Butcher J, Redaelli A, Roman MJ, Devereux RB, Girardi LN et al..  2020.  Prosthetic aortic graft replacement of the ascending thoracic aorta alters biomechanics of the native descending aorta as assessed by transthoracic echocardiography.. PLoS One. 15(3):e0230208.
Asai T, O'Sullivan EP, Hemmings HC.  2020.  A special issue on respiration and the airway: critical topics at a challenging time.. Br J Anaesth. 125(1):1-4.