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Journal Article
Hoyler M, Baidya J, Rippon B, Debois W, Srivastava A, Iannacone E, Girardi NIvascu.  2023.  Temperature Outcomes without heater cooler units in adult patients supported with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: A retrospective cohort study.. Perfusion. :2676591231195694.
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Burry LD, Bell CM, Hill A, Pinto R, Scales DC, Bronskill SE, Rose L, Williamson D, Fowler R, Wunsch H.  2024.  Trends in Sedative Prescription Among Older Adults after Critical Illness: A Population-Based Cohort Study.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
Burry LD, Bell CM, Hill A, Pinto R, Scales DC, Bronskill SE, Rose L, Williamson D, Fowler R, Wunsch H.  2024.  Trends in Sedative Prescription Among Older Adults after Critical Illness: A Population-Based Cohort Study.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
Burry LD, Bell CM, Hill A, Pinto R, Scales DC, Bronskill SE, Rose L, Williamson D, Fowler R, Wunsch H.  2024.  Trends in Sedative Prescription Among Older Adults after Critical Illness: A Population-Based Cohort Study.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
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Ungerman E, Hunter OC, Jayaraman AL, Khoche S, Bartels S, Owen RM, Smart K, Hayanga HK, Patel B, Whyte AM et al..  2024.  The Year in Cardiothoracic Transplant Anesthesia: Selected Highlights From 2022 Part II: Cardiac Transplantation.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.