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Journal Article
Pryor KO, Root JC.  2014.  Chasing the shadows of implicit memory under anesthesia.. Anesth Analg. 119(5):1026-8.
Lee JY, Rahouma M, O'Shaughnessy SM, Lopes AJ, Pryor KO, Gaudino M, Rong LQ.  2022.  Characterizing factors associated with high authorship in contemporary anesthesia literature: a cross-sectional study.. Minerva Cardiol Angiol. 70(1):123-124.
Rong LQ, Mauer E, Mustapich TL, White RS, Di Franco A, Girardi LN, Gaudino M, Pryor KO.  2019.  Characterization of the Rapid Drop in Pulse Oximetry Reading After Intraoperative Administration of Methylene Blue in Open Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repairs.. Anesth Analg.
Rasheed AS, White RS, Tangel V, Storch BM, Pryor KO.  2019.  Carotid Revascularization Procedures and Perioperative Outcomes: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 33(7):1963-1972.
Aladdin DEl Halawan, Tangel V, Lui B, Pryor KO, Witkin LR, White RS.  2020.  Black Race As A Social Determinant of Health and Outcomes After Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).
Evered LA, Pryor KO.  2023.  Benzodiazepines and postoperative delirium: should we be as cautious as we are? Br J Anaesth.
Spence J, Devereaux PJ, Lee S-F, D'Aragon F, Avidan MS, Whitlock RP, C Mazer D, Rousseau-Saine N, Rajamohan RRamaswamy, Pryor KO et al..  2025.  Benzodiazepine-Free Cardiac Anesthesia for Reduction of Postoperative Delirium: A Cluster Randomized Crossover Trial.. JAMA Surg.
Rong LQ, Di Franco A, Rahouma M, Dimagli A, Patel A, Lopes AJ, Walline M, Chan J, Chadow D, Olaria RPerezgrova et al..  2023.  Baseline intraoperative left ventricular diastolic function is associated with postoperative atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery.. Anesthesiology.
Root JC, Pryor KO, Downey R, Alici Y, Davis ML, Holodny A, Korc-Grodzicki B, Ahles T.  2013.  Association of pre-operative brain pathology with post-operative delirium in a cohort of non-small cell lung cancer patients undergoing surgical resection.. Psychooncology. 22(9):2087-94.
Krinsky HD, Kang Y, Pryor KO, Gotian R.  2022.  Approaching Potential Mentors as a Medical Student.. Acad Med.
White RS, Andreae MH, Lui B, Ma X, Tangel VE, Turnbull ZA, Jiang SY, Nachamie AS, Pryor KO.  2023.  Antiemetic Administration and Its Association with Race: A Retrospective Cohort Study.. Anesthesiology. 138(6):587-601.
Vogt KM, Pryor KO.  2022.  Anesthesia and the neurobiology of fear and posttraumatic stress disorder.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 35(5):593-599.
Evered LA, Chan MTV, Han R, Chu MHM, Cheng BP, Scott DA, Pryor KO, Sessler DI, Veselis R, Frampton C et al..  2021.  Anaesthetic depth and delirium after major surgery: a randomised clinical trial.. Br J Anaesth.
Chen Y, Cai A, Fritz BA, Dexter F, Pryor KO, Jacobsohn E, Glick DB, Willingham MD, Escallier KE, Winter AC et al..  2016.  Amnesia of the Operating Room in the B-Unaware and BAG-RECALL Clinical Trials.. Anesth Analg.
Samuels JD, Tangel VE, Lui B, Turnbull ZA, Pryor KO, White RS, Jiang SY.  2021.  Adoption of video laryngoscopy by a major academic anesthesia department.. J Comp Eff Res.
Mishra K, Jessel S, Lurie J, Pryor KO, Kaur G.  2019.  Academic Medical Missions - Reaching Those in Greatest Need? Ann Glob Health. 85(1):126.
Kang Y, Henchcliffe C, Verma A, Vallabhajosula S, He B, Kothari PJ, Pryor KO, P Mozley D.  2018.  18F-FPEB PET/CT Shows mGluR5 Upregulation in Parkinson's Disease.. J Neuroimaging.