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Hemmings HC, Antognini JF.  2006.  Do general anesthetics add up? Anesthesiology. 104(6):1120-2.
Herold KF, Andersen OS, Hemmings HC.  2017.  Divergent effects of anesthetics on lipid bilayer properties and sodium channel function.. Eur Biophys J. 46(7):617-626.
Speigel IA, Patel K, Hemmings HC.  2022.  Distinct effects of volatile and intravenous anaesthetics on presynaptic calcium dynamics in mouse hippocampal GABAergic neurones.. Br J Anaesth.
S Bullock A, Platholi J, Gjyrezi A, Heerdt PM, Tung HYLim, Hemmings HC.  2007.  Differential regulation of protein phosphatase-1(I) by neurabin.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 358(1):140-4.
Zhou C, Johnson KW, Herold KF, Hemmings HC.  2019.  Differential Inhibition of Neuronal Sodium Channel Subtypes by the General Anesthetic Isoflurane.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther.
Teran F, Owyang CG, Wray TC, Hipskind JE, Lessard J, Michel WBédard, Lanthier C, Nazerian P, de Villa E, Nogueira J et al..  2024.  Development and Implementation of a Multicenter Registry for Resuscitation-Focused Transesophageal Echocardiography.. Ann Emerg Med.
Ouyang W, Hemmings HC.  2005.  Depression by isoflurane of the action potential and underlying voltage-gated ion currents in isolated rat neurohypophysial nerve terminals.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 312(2):801-8.
Hotte M, Thuault S, Lachaise F, Dineley KT, Hemmings HC, Nairn AC, Jay TM.  2006.  D1 receptor modulation of memory retrieval performance is associated with changes in pCREB and pDARPP-32 in rat prefrontal cortex.. Behav Brain Res. 171(1):127-33.