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Vogt KM, Pryor KO.  2022.  Anesthesia and the neurobiology of fear and posttraumatic stress disorder.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 35(5):593-599.
La Forgia A, Bond AM, Braun RTyler, Yao LZ, Kjaer K, Zhang M, Casalino LP.  2022.  Association of Physician Management Companies and Private Equity Investment With Commercial Health Care Prices Paid to Anesthesia Practitioners.. JAMA Intern Med. 182(4):396-404.
Chan J, Rong LQ.  2022.  Awaiting the Renaissance of the Anesthesiologist-Scientist.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 36(7):1856-1858.
Basem JI, Lin T, Mehta ND.  2022.  A Comprehensive Review: Chronic Pain Sequelae in the Presence of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 26(12):871-876.
Buckley RA, Atkins KJ, Silbert B, Scott DA, Evered L.  2022.  Digital clock drawing test metrics in older patients before and after endoscopy with sedation: An exploratory analysis.. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 66(2):207-214.
White RS, Lui B, Bryant-Huppert J, Chaturvedi R, Hoyler M, Aaronson J.  2022.  Economic burden of maternal mortality in the USA, 2018-2020.. J Comp Eff Res. 11(13):927-933.
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Adams EM, Yu SPing, Safavynia SA, Mack PFogarty, Kelleher DC.  2022.  Environmental and financial impact of replacing a daily emergency anesthesia set-up with a mobile emergency case cart.. J Clin Anesth. 79:110716.
Lurie JM, Pilato T, Kaur G.  2022.  Female genital mutilation/cutting and birthing: Enhanced education and training is critical for health care providers.. J Glob Health. 12:03059.
Littlejohn J, Vasovic LV, Cushing MM, Barie PS.  2022.  Fibrinolysis Shutdown in Severe COVID-19: Highly Prevalent but not Independently Predictive of Thrombosis or Poorer Outcomes.. J Am Coll Surg. 234(1):97-98.
Jones M-M, McElroy LM, Mirreh M, Fuller M, Schroeder R, Ghadimi K, DeVore A, Patel CB, Black-Maier E, Bartz R et al..  2022.  The impact of race on utilization of durable left ventricular assist device therapy in patients with advanced heart failure.. J Card Surg. 37(11):3586-3594.
Tangel VE, Bryant-Huppert J, Jiang SY, Oxford-Horrey CM, Dzotsi S, Kjaer K, White RS.  2022.  In reply: Performance of obstetric comorbidity indices within race/ethnicity categories.. Int J Obstet Anesth. 51:103570.
Weber M, Chao M, Kaur S, Tran B, Dizdarevic A.  2022.  A Look Forward and a Look Back: The Growing Role of ERAS Protocols in Orthopedic Surgery.. Clin Sports Med. 41(2):345-355.
Tam CW, Shen L, Zeidman ADijanic, Srivastava A, Ivascu NS.  2022.  Mechanical Circulatory Support: Primer for Consultant Specialists.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 17(6):890-901.
O'Shaughnessy S, Tangel V, Dzotsi S, Jiang S, White R, Hoyler M.  2022.  Non-White Race/Ethnicity and Female Sex Are Associated with Increased Allogeneic Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery Patients: 2007-2018.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 36(7):1908-1918.
White RS, Aaronson JA.  2022.  Obstetric and perinatal racial and ethnic disparities.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 35(3):260-266.
Chen FR, Manzi JE, Mehta N, Gulati A, Jones M.  2022.  A Review of Laser Therapy and Low-Intensity Ultrasound for Chronic Pain States.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 26(1):57-63.
Milewski A, Li G.  2022.  Stability and Reliability of Enhanced External-Internal Motion Correlation via Dynamic Phase-Shift Corrections Over 30-min Timeframe for Respiratory-Gated Radiotherapy.. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 21:15330338221111592.
Khatib D, Neuburger PJ, Pan S, Rong LQ.  2022.  Transcatheter Mitral Valve Interventions for Mitral Regurgitation: A Review of Mitral Annuloplasty, Valve Replacement, and Chordal Repair Devices.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 36(10):3887-3903.