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Khusid E, Lui B, Tangel VE, Jiang SY, Oxford C, Abramovitz SE, Weinstein ER, White RS.  2023.  Patient- and Hospital- Level Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity: a Retrospective Multistate Analysis, 2015-2020.. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities.
Basem JI, Roth AF, White RS, Tangel VE, Jiang SY, Choi JM, Hoffman KL, Schenck EJ, Turnbull ZA, Pryor KO et al..  2022.  Patient care in rapid-expansion intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.. BMC Anesthesiol. 22(1):209.
Tangel V, Gupta S, White RS.  2019.  Penalties For Hospital Readmissions.. Health Aff (Millwood). 38(8):1410.
Thalappillil R, White RS, Tam CW.  2020.  POCUS to Guide Fluid Therapy in COVID-19.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 34(10):2854-2856.
Golaz R, Tangel VE, Lui B, Albrecht E, Pryor KO, White RS.  2020.  Post-operative outcomes and anesthesia type in total hip arthroplasty in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A retrospective analysis of the State Inpatient Databases.. J Clin Anesth. 69:110159.
Habchi KM, Tangel VE, Weinberg RY, White RS, Kelleher DC.  2022.  Postoperative outcomes and anesthesia type in total knee arthroplasty in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. J Comp Eff Res. 11(17):1241-1251.
Lui B, Samuels JD, White RS.  2020.  Potential pathophysiology of COVID-19 in patients with obesity. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2020. Br J Anaesth.
Chen SA, White RS, Tangel V, Gupta S, Stambough JB, Gaber-Baylis LK, Weinberg R.  2020.  Preexisting Opioid Use Disorder and Outcomes After Lower Extremity Arthroplasty: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. Pain Med.
Boltunova A, Bailey C, Weinberg R, Ma X, Thalappillil R, Tam CW, White RS.  2020.  Preoperative Opioid Use Disorder Is Associated With Poorer Outcomes After Coronary Bypass and Valve Surgery: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 34(12):3267-3274.