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Wang W, Hoyler MM, White RS, Tangel VE, Pryor KO.  2020.  Hospital Safety-Net Burden Is Associated With Increased Inpatient Mortality and Perioperative Complications After Colectomy.. J Surg Res. 259:24-33.
Hoyler MM, Tam CW, Thalappillil R, Jiang S, Ma X, Lui B, White RS.  2020.  The impact of hospital safety-net burden on mortality and readmission after CABG surgery.. J Card Surg. 35(9):2232-2241.
Lui B, Mack PF, Bustillo MA, Weinberg R, White RS.  2020.  Impact of social determinants of health on equity in lumbar spine surgical outcomes.. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 194:105825.
Hoyler MM, Abramovitz S, Aaronson J, White RS.  2020.  The importance of COVID-19 screening and testing in the obstetric patient population.. J Clin Anesth. 66:109938.
Hoyler MM, T Feng R, Ma X, Rong LQ, Avgerinos DV, Tam CW, White RS.  2020.  Insurance Status and Socioeconomic Factors Affect Early Mortality After Cardiac Valve Surgery.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.
Lippell RM, Weinberg RY, Kelleher DC, Akerman MA, Tedore TR, White RS.  2020.  Letter to the Editor on "Rapid Recovery After Total Joint Arthroplasty Using General Anesthesia".. J Arthroplasty.
Caraccio C, White RS, Jotwani R.  2020.  No protocol and no liability: a call for COVID crisis guidelines that protect vulnerable populations.. J Comp Eff Res.
Lui B, Aaronson JA, Tangel V, Quincy M, Weinberg R, Abramovitz SE, White RS.  2020.  Opioid use disorder and maternal outcomes following cesarean delivery: a multistate analysis, 2007-2014.. J Comp Eff Res.
Thalappillil R, White RS, Tam CW.  2020.  POCUS to Guide Fluid Therapy in COVID-19.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 34(10):2854-2856.
Golaz R, Tangel VE, Lui B, Albrecht E, Pryor KO, White RS.  2020.  Post-operative outcomes and anesthesia type in total hip arthroplasty in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A retrospective analysis of the State Inpatient Databases.. J Clin Anesth. 69:110159.
Lui B, Samuels JD, White RS.  2020.  Potential pathophysiology of COVID-19 in patients with obesity. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2020. Br J Anaesth.
Chen SA, White RS, Tangel V, Gupta S, Stambough JB, Gaber-Baylis LK, Weinberg R.  2020.  Preexisting Opioid Use Disorder and Outcomes After Lower Extremity Arthroplasty: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. Pain Med.
Boltunova A, Bailey C, Weinberg R, Ma X, Thalappillil R, Tam CW, White RS.  2020.  Preoperative Opioid Use Disorder Is Associated With Poorer Outcomes After Coronary Bypass and Valve Surgery: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 34(12):3267-3274.
Tangel VE, Matthews KC, Abramovitz SE, White RS.  2020.  Racial and ethnic disparities in severe maternal morbidity and anesthetic techniques for obstetric deliveries: A multi-state analysis, 2007-2014.. J Clin Anesth. :109821.
Brumm J, White RS, Arroyo NS, Gaber-Baylis LK, Gupta S, Turnbull ZA, Mehta N.  2020.  Sickle Cell Disease is Associated with Increased Morbidity, Resource Utilization, and Readmissions after Common Abdominal Surgeries: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. J Natl Med Assoc.
Rozental O, Thalappillil R, White RS, Tam CW.  2020.  To Swan or Not to Swan: Indications, Alternatives, and Future Directions.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.
Hoyler MM, Kumar S, Thalappillil R, White RS, Tam CW.  2020.  VV-ECMO usage in ARDS due to COVID-19: Clinical, practical and ethical considerations.. J Clin Anesth. 65:109893.
Perlstein MD, Gupta S, Ma X, Rong LQ, Askin G, White RS.  2019.  Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Readmissions and Disparities of Socioeconomic Status: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.
Rasheed AS, White RS, Tangel V, Storch BM, Pryor KO.  2019.  Carotid Revascularization Procedures and Perioperative Outcomes: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 33(7):1963-1972.
Rong LQ, Mauer E, Mustapich TL, White RS, Di Franco A, Girardi LN, Gaudino M, Pryor KO.  2019.  Characterization of the Rapid Drop in Pulse Oximetry Reading After Intraoperative Administration of Methylene Blue in Open Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repairs.. Anesth Analg.
Sastow DL, White RS, Mauer E, Chen Y, Gaber-Baylis LK, Turnbull ZA.  2019.  The Disparity of Care and Outcomes for Medicaid Patients Undergoing Colectomy.. J Surg Res. 235:190-201.
T Feng R, White RS, Ma X, Askin G, Pryor KO.  2019.  The effect of obstructive sleep apnea on readmissions and atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery.. J Clin Anesth. 56:17-23.
White RS, Matthews KC, Tangel V, Abramovitz S.  2019.  Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Programs for Cesarean Delivery Can Potentially Reduce Healthcare and Racial Disparities.. J Natl Med Assoc.
La M, Tangel V, Gupta S, Tedore T, White RS.  2019.  Hospital safety net burden is associated with increased inpatient mortality and postoperative morbidity after total hip arthroplasty: a retrospective multistate review, 2007-2014.. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
Wagner JL, White RS, Mauer EA, Pryor KO, Kjaer K.  2019.  Impact of anesthesiologist's fellowship status on the risk of general anesthesia for unplanned cesarean delivery.. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.