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Tjeuw M, Fong J.  1990.  Anaesthetic management of a patient with a single ventricle and phaeochromocytoma.. Anaesth Intensive Care. 18(4):567-9.
Fong J, Gadalla F, Pierri MK, Druzin M.  1990.  Are Doppler-detected venous emboli during cesarean section air emboli? Anesth Analg. 71(3):254-7.
Fong J, Druzin M, Gimbel AA, Fisher J.  1990.  Epidural anaesthesia for labour and caesarean section in a parturient with a single ventricle and transposition of the great arteries.. Can J Anaesth. 37(6):680-4.
el-Gewaily M, al-Sayyed J, Gadalla F.  1990.  Factors influencing utilization of the curative health services among children aged 6-60 months in Bahrain (Part II).. J Egypt Public Health Assoc. 65(5-6):617-27.
Gadalla F, Fong J.  1990.  Improved infection control in the operating room.. Anesthesiology. 73(6):1295.
Dresner DL, Basta SJ, Ali HH, Schwartz AF, Embree PB, Wargin WA, Lai AA, Brady KA, Savarese JJ.  1990.  Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of doxacurium in young and elderly patients during isoflurane anesthesia.. Anesth Analg. 71(5):498-502.
Fong J, Gadalla F, Gimbel AA.  1990.  Precordial Doppler diagnosis of haemodynamically compromising air embolism during caesarean section.. Can J Anaesth. 37(2):262-4.
Heerdt PM, Weiss CI.  1990.  Prostaglandin E1 and intrapulmonary shunt in cardiac surgical patients with pulmonary hypertension.. Ann Thorac Surg. 49(3):463-5.
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Savarese JJ, Ali HH, Basta SJ, Scott RP, Embree PB, Wastila WB, Abou-Donia MM, Gelb C.  1989.  The cardiovascular effects of mivacurium chloride (BW B1090U) in patients receiving nitrous oxide-opiate-barbiturate anesthesia.. Anesthesiology. 70(3):386-94.
Heerdt PM, Yee LL.  1989.  Differential effect of prostaglandin E1 and sodium nitroprusside on intrapulmonary shunt fraction in a cardiac transplantation patient.. Anesth Analg. 69(5):665-7.
Cundiff D, McCarthy K, Savarese JJ, Kaiko R, Thomas G, Grandy R, Goldenheim P.  1989.  Evaluation of a cancer pain model for the testing of long-acting analgesics. The effect of MS Contin in a double-blind, randomized crossover design.. Cancer. 63(11 Suppl):2355-9.
Elgewaily M, al-Sayyed J, Gadalla F.  1989.  Factors influencing utilization of the preventive health services among children aged 6-60 months in Bahrain. Part I.. J Egypt Public Health Assoc. 64(1-2):145-54.
Malhotra V, Gomillion MC, Artusio JF.  1989.  Hemoptysis in a child during extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.. Anesth Analg. 69(4):526-8.
Goudsouzian NG, Alifimoff JK, Liu LM, Foster V, McNulty B, Savarese JJ.  1989.  Neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of doxacurium in children anaesthetized with halothane.. Br J Anaesth. 62(3):263-8.
Goudsouzian NG, Alifimoff JK, Eberly C, Smeets R, Griswold J, Miler V, McNulty BF, Savarese JJ.  1989.  Neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of mivacurium in children.. Anesthesiology. 70(2):237-42.
Brooks I, De Jager R, Blumenreich M, George E, Savarese JJ.  1989.  Principles of cancer pain management. Use of long-acting oral morphine.. J Fam Pract. 28(3):275-80.
Kelly RE, Binion M, Malhotra V, Artusio JF.  1989.  Pulmonary function after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy--a comparison of general and regional anaesthesia.. Can J Anaesth. 36(2):137-40.
Kumar SR, Rosner IK, Godwin T, Rappaport I.  1989.  Pulmonary hemorrhage in a young infant.. Ann Allergy. 62(3):168-9,209-11.