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Journal Article
Chaturvedi R, Lui B, Tangel VE, Abramovitz SE, Pryor KO, Lim KG, White RS.  2023.  United States rural residence is associated with increased acute maternal end-organ injury or mortality after birth: a retrospective multi-state analysis, 2007-2018.. Int J Obstet Anesth. :103916.
Tangel VE, Abramovitz S, Aaronson J, Jiang SY, Pryor KO, White RS.  2023.  A retrospective multicenter analysis of patient and hospital-level factors predicting the use of general anesthesia for cesarean deliveries.. Int J Obstet Anesth. 54:103638.
Tangel VE, White RS.  2023.  Recent studies on racial disparities in obstetric care in the USA.. Anaesthesia.
Weinstein ER, Aaronson J, Abramovitz SE, McCullough D, Gotian R, White RS.  2024.  Patients' perspectives on pain relief during childbirth and labor epidurals: A pilot qualitative study among women who chose to deliver without neuraxial labor analgesia.. Int J Obstet Anesth. 61:104294.
Sastow DL, Jiang SY, Tangel VE, Matthews KC, Abramovitz SE, Oxford-Horrey CM, White RS.  2021.  Patient race and racial composition of delivery unit associated with disparities in severe maternal morbidity: a multistate analysis 2007-2014.. Int J Obstet Anesth. :103160.
Lui B, Burey L, Ma X, Kjaer K, Abramovitz SE, White RS.  2020.  Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with adverse maternal outcomes using a United States multistate database cohort, 2007-2014.. Int J Obstet Anesth.
Rubin JE, White RS, Boyer RB, Jotwani R.  2023.  Obstetric anesthesiology and extended reality: an introduction to future uses of spatial computing in obstetric anesthesiology.. Int J Obstet Anesth. :103959.
Tangel VE, Bryant-Huppert J, Jiang SY, Oxford-Horrey CM, Dzotsi S, Kjaer K, White RS.  2022.  In reply: Performance of obstetric comorbidity indices within race/ethnicity categories.. Int J Obstet Anesth. 51:103570.
Williams A, Chaturvedi R, Aaronson JA, Weinberg R, White RS.  2022.  The impact of monkeypox in pregnant patients on obstetric anesthesiology.. Int J Obstet Anesth. 53:103622.
Lui B, White RS, Bryant-Huppert J, Kelleher DC.  2024.  Environmental sustainability in obstetric anesthesia.. Int J Obstet Anesth. 60:104216.
Khusid E, Liu B, Williams A, Chaturvedi R, Chen J, White RS.  2023.  Enhanced recovery after cesarean delivery meta-analysis outcomes by race, ethnicity, insurance, and rurality.. Int J Obstet Anesth. :103878.
Lui B, Khusid E, Tangel VE, Jiang SY, Abramovitz SE, Oxford CM, White RS.  2024.  Disparities in postpartum readmission by patient- and hospital-level social risk factors in the United States: a retrospective multistate analysis, 2015-2020.. Int J Obstet Anesth. :103998.
Tangel VE, Bryant-Huppert J, Jiang SY, Oxford-Horrey CM, Dzotsi S, Kjaer K, White RS.  2022.  Comparative performance of obstetric comorbidity indices within categories of race and ethnicity: an external validation study.. Int J Obstet Anesth. 50:103543.
Rong LQ, Kamel MK, Rahouma M, White RS, Lichtman AD, Pryor KO, Girardi LN, Gaudino M.  2018.  Cerebrospinal-fluid drain-related complications in patients undergoing open and endovascular repairs of thoracic and thoraco-abdominal aortic pathologies: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Br J Anaesth. 120(5):904-913.