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Journal Article
Picollo A, Malvezzi M, Accardi A.  2010.  Proton block of the CLC-5 Cl-/H+ exchanger.. J Gen Physiol. 135(6):653-9.
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Accardi A, Miller C.  2004.  Secondary active transport mediated by a prokaryotic homologue of ClC Cl- channels.. Nature. 427(6977):803-7.
Westphalen RI, Hemmings HC.  2003.  Selective depression by general anesthetics of glutamate versus GABA release from isolated cortical nerve terminals.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 304(3):1188-96.
Speigel IA, Hemmings HC.  2021.  Selective inhibition of gamma aminobutyric acid release from mouse hippocampal interneurone subtypes by the volatile anaesthetic isoflurane.. Br J Anaesth. 127(4):587-599.
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