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Amar D, Desiderio DP, Heerdt PM, Kolker AC, Zhang H, Thaler HT.  2008.  Practice patterns in choice of left double-lumen tube size for thoracic surgery.. Anesth Analg. 106(2):379-83,tableofcontents.
Amar D, Heerdt PM, Desiderio DP, Kolker AC.  2008.  Re: Undersizing left double-lumen tubes.. Anesth Analg. 107(3):1082.
Roepke TK, Kontogeorgis A, Ovanez C, Xu X, Young JB, Purtell K, Goldstein PA, Christini DJ, Peters NS, Akar FG et al..  2008.  Targeted deletion of kcne2 impairs ventricular repolarization via disruption of I(K,slow1) and I(to,f).. FASEB J. 22(10):3648-60.
Jia F, Yue M, Chandra D, Keramidas A, Goldstein PA, Homanics GE, Harrison NL.  2008.  Taurine is a potent activator of extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors in the thalamus.. J Neurosci. 28(1):106-15.
Accardi A.  2008.  To ATP or not to ATP: this is the question.. J Gen Physiol. 131(2):105-8.
Panaghie G, Purtell K, Tai K-K, Abbott GW.  2008.  Voltage-dependent C-type inactivation in a constitutively open K+ channel.. Biophys J. 95(6):2759-78.
Hemmings HC, Mantz J.  2008.  Xenon and the pharmacology of fear.. Anesthesiology. 109(6):954-5.
Levin EJ, Elsen NL, Seder KD, McCoy JG, Fox BG, Phillips GN.  2008.  X-ray structure of a soluble Rieske-type ferredoxin from Mus musculus.. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 64(Pt 9):933-40.
Fong J, Gurewitsch ED, Kang H-J, Kump L, Mack PFogarty.  2007.  An analysis of transfusion practice and the role of intraoperative red blood cell salvage during cesarean delivery.. Anesth Analg. 104(3):666-72.
Lichtman AD, Carullo V, Minhaj M, Karkouti K.  2007.  Case 6--2007: massive intraoperative thrombosis and death after recombinant activated factor VII administration.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 21(6):897-902.
Gadalla F, Rieth EF, Abramovitz SE.  2007.  Comparison of two 3.5 inch hustead needles.. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 32(6):540-1.
Chambers TAnn, Bagai A, Ivascu N.  2007.  Current trends in coronary artery disease in women.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 20(1):75-82.
Slepian R, Salemi A, Min J, Skubas N.  2007.  A hypo-echoic, intramyocardial space: echocardiographic characteristics of an intramyocardial dissecting hematoma.. Anesth Analg. 105(6):1564-6.
Charlson ME, Peterson JC, Krieger KH, Hartman GS, Hollenberg JP, Briggs WM, Segal AZ, Parikh M, Thomas SJ, Donahue RG et al..  2007.  Improvement of outcomes after coronary artery bypass II: a randomized trial comparing intraoperative high versus customized mean arterial pressure.. J Card Surg. 22(6):465-72.
Amar D, Zhang H, Park B, Heerdt PM, Fleisher M, Thaler HT.  2007.  Inflammation and outcome after general thoracic surgery.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 32(3):431-4.
R Johnson J, McCoy JG, Bingman CA, Phillips GN, Raines RT.  2007.  Inhibition of human pancreatic ribonuclease by the human ribonuclease inhibitor protein.. J Mol Biol. 368(2):434-49.
Ouyang W, Jih T-Y, Zhang T-T, Correa AM, Hemmings HC.  2007.  Isoflurane inhibits NaChBac, a prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channel.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 322(3):1076-83.
Picollo A, Liantonio A, Babini E, Camerino DConte, Pusch M.  2007.  Mechanism of interaction of niflumic acid with heterologously expressed kidney CLC-K chloride channels.. J Membr Biol. 216(2-3):73-82.
Naguib M, Gottumukkala V, Goldstein PA.  2007.  Melatonin and anesthesia: a clinical perspective.. J Pineal Res. 42(1):12-21.
Liantonio A, Giannuzzi V, Picollo A, Babini E, Pusch M, D Camerino C.  2007.  Niflumic acid inhibits chloride conductance of rat skeletal muscle by directly inhibiting the CLC-1 channel and by increasing intracellular calcium.. Br J Pharmacol. 150(2):235-47.
Castillo MD, Heerdt PM.  2007.  Pulmonary resection in the elderly.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 20(1):4-9.
Frederick RO, Bergeman L, Blommel PG, Bailey LJ, McCoy JG, Song J, Meske L, Bingman CA, Riters M, Dillon NA et al..  2007.  Small-scale, semi-automated purification of eukaryotic proteins for structure determination.. J Struct Funct Genomics. 8(4):153-66.
McCoy JG, Bitto E, Bingman CA, Wesenberg GE, Bannen RM, Kondrashov DA, Phillips GN.  2007.  Structure and dynamics of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Arabidopsis thaliana with bound UDP-glucose and UTP.. J Mol Biol. 366(3):830-41.
Bitto E, Bingman CA, Wesenberg GE, McCoy JG, Phillips GN.  2007.  Structure of aspartoacylase, the brain enzyme impaired in Canavan disease.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(2):456-61.
Phillips GN, Fox BG, Markley JL, Volkman BF, Bae E, Bitto E, Bingman CA, Frederick RO, McCoy JG, Lytle BL et al..  2007.  Structures of proteins of biomedical interest from the Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics.. J Struct Funct Genomics. 8(2-3):73-84.