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Deau JTYa, Heerdt PM, The AHS, Wang Q.  2006.  Hemodynamic effects of di-sec-butyl phenol, an anesthetic substituted phenol.. Pharmacology. 76(3):117-22.
Lichtman AD, Oribabor C.  2006.  Malignant hyperthermia following systemic rewarming after hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass.. Anesth Analg. 102(2):372-5.
Kjaer K, Comerford M, Kondilis L, DiMaria L, Abramovitz S, Kiselev M, Samuels J, Gadalla F, Leighton BL.  2006.  Oral sodium citrate increases nausea amongst elective Cesarean delivery patients.. Can J Anaesth. 53(8):776-80.
Porotto M, Fornabaio M, Greengard O, Murrell MT, Kellogg GE, Moscona A.  2006.  Paramyxovirus receptor-binding molecules: engagement of one site on the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein modulates activity at the second site.. J Virol. 80(3):1204-13.
Ying S-W, Abbas SY, Harrison NL, Goldstein PA.  2006.  Propofol block of I(h) contributes to the suppression of neuronal excitability and rhythmic burst firing in thalamocortical neurons.. Eur J Neurosci. 23(2):465-80.
Tu J, Stoodley MA, Morgan MK, Storer KP.  2006.  Responses of arteriovenous malformations to radiosurgery: ultrastructural changes.. Neurosurgery. 58(4):749-58;discussion749-58.
Arora N, Dhar P, Fahey TJ.  2006.  Seminars: local and regional anesthesia for thyroid surgery.. J Surg Oncol. 94(8):708-13.
McCoy JG, Arabshahi A, Bitto E, Bingman CA, Ruzicka FJ, Frey PA, Phillips GN.  2006.  Structure and mechanism of an ADP-glucose phosphorylase from Arabidopsis thaliana.. Biochemistry. 45(10):3154-62.
McCoy JG, Bailey LJ, Bitto E, Bingman CA, Aceti DJ, Fox BG, Phillips GN.  2006.  Structure and mechanism of mouse cysteine dioxygenase.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(9):3084-9.
McCoy JG, Bingman CA, Bitto E, Holdorf MM, Makaroff CA, Phillips GN.  2006.  Structure of an ETHE1-like protein from Arabidopsis thaliana.. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 62(Pt 9):964-70.
Bitto E, Bingman CA, Wesenberg GE, McCoy JG, Phillips GN.  2006.  Structure of pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase type 1. Insight into mechanism of action and inhibition during lead poisoning.. J Biol Chem. 281(29):20521-9.
Pryor KO, Lien CA, Fahey TJ, Goldstein PA.  2006.  Supplemental oxygen and risk of surgical wound infection.. JAMA. 295(14):1642;authorreply1642-3.
Baars JH, Tas S, Herold KF, Hadzidiakos DA, Rehberg B.  2006.  The suppression of spinal F-waves by propofol does not predict immobility to painful stimuli in humans.. Br J Anaesth. 96(1):118-26.
Baars JH, Dangel C, Herold KF, Hadzidiakos DA, Rehberg B.  2006.  Suppression of the human spinal H-reflex by propofol: a quantitative analysis.. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 50(2):193-200.
Skubas N, Slepian RL, Lee LY, Tortolani AJ.  2006.  Tricuspid regurgitation caused by eustachian valve endocarditis.. Anesth Analg. 103(6):1410-1.
Tu J, Stoodley MA, Morgan MK, Storer KP.  2006.  Ultrastructure of perinidal capillaries in cerebral arteriovenous malformations.. Neurosurgery. 58(5):961-70;discussion961-70.
Gill JM, Fleischut P, Haas S, Pellini B, Crawford A, Nash DB.  2006.  Use of antibiotics for adult upper respiratory infections in outpatient settings: a national ambulatory network study.. Fam Med. 38(5):349-54.
Fong J, Gurewitsch ED, Kang H-J, Kump L, Mack PFogarty.  2007.  An analysis of transfusion practice and the role of intraoperative red blood cell salvage during cesarean delivery.. Anesth Analg. 104(3):666-72.
Lichtman AD, Carullo V, Minhaj M, Karkouti K.  2007.  Case 6--2007: massive intraoperative thrombosis and death after recombinant activated factor VII administration.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 21(6):897-902.
Gadalla F, Rieth EF, Abramovitz SE.  2007.  Comparison of two 3.5 inch hustead needles.. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 32(6):540-1.
Chambers TAnn, Bagai A, Ivascu N.  2007.  Current trends in coronary artery disease in women.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 20(1):75-82.
Slepian R, Salemi A, Min J, Skubas N.  2007.  A hypo-echoic, intramyocardial space: echocardiographic characteristics of an intramyocardial dissecting hematoma.. Anesth Analg. 105(6):1564-6.
Charlson ME, Peterson JC, Krieger KH, Hartman GS, Hollenberg JP, Briggs WM, Segal AZ, Parikh M, Thomas SJ, Donahue RG et al..  2007.  Improvement of outcomes after coronary artery bypass II: a randomized trial comparing intraoperative high versus customized mean arterial pressure.. J Card Surg. 22(6):465-72.
Amar D, Zhang H, Park B, Heerdt PM, Fleisher M, Thaler HT.  2007.  Inflammation and outcome after general thoracic surgery.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 32(3):431-4.
R Johnson J, McCoy JG, Bingman CA, Phillips GN, Raines RT.  2007.  Inhibition of human pancreatic ribonuclease by the human ribonuclease inhibitor protein.. J Mol Biol. 368(2):434-49.