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Lurie JM, Pilato T, Kaur G.  2022.  Female genital mutilation/cutting and birthing: Enhanced education and training is critical for health care providers.. J Glob Health. 12:03059.
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Lien CA, Schmith VD, Belmont MR, Abalos A, Kisor DF, Savarese JJ.  1996.  Pharmacokinetics of cisatracurium in patients receiving nitrous oxide/opioid/barbiturate anesthesia.. Anesthesiology. 84(2):300-8.
Lien CA.  2010.  Neostigmine: how much is necessary for patients who receive a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent? Anesthesiology. 112(1):16-8.
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Lichtman AD, Kjaer K.  2013.  Combined cesarean delivery and repair of acute ascending and aortic arch dissection at 32 weeks of pregnancy.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 27(4):731-4.