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Pryor KO, Veselis RA.  2017.  Isolated Forearm Test: Replicated, Relevant, and Unexplained.. Anesthesiology. 126(2):202-204.
Pryor KO, Veselis RA.  2016.  Isolated Forearm Test: Replicated, Relevant, and Unexplained.. Anesthesiology.
Ming Q, Liou J-Y, Yang F, Li J, Chu C, Zhou Q, Wu D, Xu S, Luo P, Liang J et al..  2020.  Isoflurane-Induced Burst Suppression Is a Thalamus-Modulated, Focal-Onset Rhythm With Persistent Local Asynchrony and Variable Propagation Patterns in Rats.. Front Syst Neurosci. 14:599781.
Rong LQ, Rahouma M, Abouarab A, Di Franco A, Calautti NM, Fitzgerald MM, Arisha MJ, Ibrahim DA, Girardi LN, Pryor KO et al..  2018.  Intravenous and Inhaled Milrinone in Adult Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Pairwise and Network Meta-Analysis.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.
Avidan MS, Maybrier HR, Ben Abdallah A, Jacobsohn E, Vlisides PE, Pryor KO, Veselis RA, Grocott HP, Emmert DA, Rogers EM et al..  2017.  Intraoperative ketamine for prevention of postoperative delirium or pain after major surgery in older adults: an international, multicentre, double-blind, randomised clinical trial.. Lancet. 390(10091):267-275.
Tangel VE, Hoeks SE, Stolker RJan, Brown S, Pryor KO, de Graaff JC.  2024.  International multi-institutional external validation of preoperative risk scores for 30-day in-hospital mortality in paediatric patients.. Br J Anaesth.
Hudson AE, Pryor KO.  2016.  Integration and Information: Anesthetic Unconsciousness Finds a New Bandwidth.. Anesthesiology. 125(5):832-834.
Pryor KO, Hemmings HC.  2013.  Increased Risk of Awareness under Anesthesia: An Issue of Consciousness or of Memory? Anesthesiology.
Chen Y, Pryor KO, Avidan MS.  2016.  In Response.. Anesth Analg. 123(6):1639.
Wagner JL, White RS, Mauer EA, Pryor KO, Kjaer K.  2019.  Impact of anesthesiologist's fellowship status on the risk of general anesthesia for unplanned cesarean delivery.. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
Rong LQ, Palumbo MC, Rahouma MM, Meineri M, Arguelles GR, Kim J, Lau C, Devereux RB, Pryor KO, Girardi LN et al..  2019.  Immediate of Impact Prosthetic Graft Replacement of the Ascending Aorta on Circumferential Strain in the Descending Aorta.. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg.