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Filters: Keyword is Potassium Channel Blockers  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Westphalen RI, Hemmings HC.  2006.  Volatile anesthetic effects on glutamate versus GABA release from isolated rat cortical nerve terminals: 4-aminopyridine-evoked release.. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 316(1):216-23.
Westphalen RI, Yu J, Krivitski M, Jih T-Y, Hemmings HC.  2010.  Regional differences in nerve terminal Na+ channel subtype expression and Na+ channel-dependent glutamate and GABA release in rat CNS.. J Neurochem. 113(6):1611-20.
Ying S-W, Goldstein PA.  2005.  Propofol-block of SK channels in reticular thalamic neurons enhances GABAergic inhibition in relay neurons.. J Neurophysiol. 93(4):1935-48.
Westphalen RI, Desai KM, Hemmings HC.  2013.  Presynaptic inhibition of the release of multiple major central nervous system neurotransmitter types by the inhaled anaesthetic isoflurane.. Br J Anaesth. 110(4):592-9.
Nimigean CM, Allen TW.  2011.  Origins of ion selectivity in potassium channels from the perspective of channel block.. J Gen Physiol. 137(5):405-13.
Westphalen RI, Gomez RS, Hemmings HC.  2009.  Nicotinic receptor-evoked hippocampal norepinephrine release is highly sensitive to inhibition by isoflurane.. Br J Anaesth. 102(3):355-60.
Ying S-W, Werner DF, Homanics GE, Harrison NL, Goldstein PA.  2009.  Isoflurane modulates excitability in the mouse thalamus via GABA-dependent and GABA-independent mechanisms.. Neuropharmacology. 56(2):438-47.