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Journal Article
Fiamengo SA, Savarese JJ.  1991.  Use of muscle relaxants in intensive care units.. Crit Care Med. 19(12):1457-9.
Philbin DM, Moss J, Akins CW, Rosow CE, Kono K, Schneider RC, VerLee TR, Savarese JJ.  1981.  The use of H1 and H2 histamine antagonists with morphine anesthesia: a double-blind study.. Anesthesiology. 55(3):292-6.
Ali HH, Savarese JJ, Lebowitz PW, Ramsey FM.  1981.  Twitch, tetanus and train-of-four as indices of recovery from nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade.. Anesthesiology. 54(4):294-7.
Savarese JJ, Ali HH, Murphy JD, Padget C, Lee CM, Ponitz J.  1975.  Train-of-four nerve stimulation in the management of prolonged neuromuscular blockade following succinylcholine.. Anesthesiology. 42(1):106-11.
Ali HH, Savarese JJ.  1979.  Stimulus frequency is essential information.. Anesthesiology. 50(1):76-7.
Ali HH, Savarese JJ.  1980.  Stimulus frequency and dose-respone curve to d-tubocurarine in man.. Anesthesiology. 52(1):36-9.
Savarese JJ, Goldenheim PD, Thomas GB, Kaiko RF.  1986.  Steady-state pharmacokinetics of controlled release oral morphine sulphate in healthy subjects.. Clin Pharmacokinet. 11(6):505-10.
Goldhill DR, Embree PB, Ali HH, Savarese JJ.  1988.  Reversal of pancuronium. Neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of a mixture of neostigmine and glycopyrronium.. Anaesthesia. 43(6):443-6.
Savarese JJ, Thomas GB, Homesley H, Hill CS.  1988.  Rescue factor: a design for evaluating long-acting analgesics.. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 43(4):376-80.
Goudsouzian NG, Donlon JV, Savarese JJ, Ryan JF.  1975.  Re-evaluation of dosage and duration of action of d-tubocurarine in the pediatric age group.. Anesthesiology. 43(4):416-25.
Savarese JJ, Kitz RJ.  1973.  The quest for a short-acting nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent.. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Suppl. 53:43-58.
Yao FS, Savarese JJ.  1997.  Pseudocholinesterase hyperactivity with succinylcholine resistance: an unusual cause of difficult intubation.. J Clin Anesth. 9(4):328-30.
Kitz R, Savarese JJ.  1971.  [Progress in the development of new neuromuscular blocking agents].. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 21(4):670-80.
Brooks I, De Jager R, Blumenreich M, George E, Savarese JJ.  1989.  Principles of cancer pain management. Use of long-acting oral morphine.. J Fam Pract. 28(3):275-80.
Lebowitz PW, Ramsey FM, Savarese JJ, Ali HH.  1980.  Potentiation of neuromuscular blockade in man produced by combinations of pancuronium and metocurine or pancuronium and d-tubocurarine.. Anesth Analg. 59(8):604-9.
Martyn JA, Matteo RS, Greenblatt DJ, Lebowitz PW, Savarese JJ.  1982.  Pharmacokinetics of d-tubocurarine in patients with thermal injury.. Anesth Analg. 61(3):241-6.
Lien CA, Schmith VD, Belmont MR, Abalos A, Kisor DF, Savarese JJ.  1996.  Pharmacokinetics of cisatracurium in patients receiving nitrous oxide/opioid/barbiturate anesthesia.. Anesthesiology. 84(2):300-8.
Lien CA, Schmith VD, Embree PB, Belmont MR, Wargin WA, Savarese JJ.  1994.  The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the stereoisomers of mivacurium in patients receiving nitrous oxide/opioid/barbiturate anesthesia.. Anesthesiology. 80(6):1296-302.
Dresner DL, Basta SJ, Ali HH, Schwartz AF, Embree PB, Wargin WA, Lai AA, Brady KA, Savarese JJ.  1990.  Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of doxacurium in young and elderly patients during isoflurane anesthesia.. Anesth Analg. 71(5):498-502.
deBros FM, Lai A, Scott R, deBros J, Batson AG, Goudsouzian N, Ali HH, Cosimi AB, Savarese JJ.  1986.  Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of atracurium during isoflurane anesthesia in normal and anephric patients.. Anesth Analg. 65(7):743-6.
Lien CA, Belmont MR, Roth DLWray, Okamoto M, Abalos A, Savarese JJ.  1999.  Pharmacodynamics and the plasma concentration of mivacurium during spontaneous recovery and neostigmine-facilitated recovery.. Anesthesiology. 91(1):119-26.
Savarese JJ.  1981.  The new neuromuscular blocking drugs are here.. Anesthesiology. 55(1):1-3.
Donlon JV, Ali HH, Savarese JJ.  1974.  A new approach to the study of four nondepolarizing relaxants in man.. Anesth Analg. 53(6):934-9.
Goudsouzian NG, Ryan JF, Savarese JJ.  1974.  The neuromuscular effects of pancuronium in infants and children.. Anesthesiology. 41(1):95-8.
Goudsouzian NG, Alifimoff JK, Eberly C, Smeets R, Griswold J, Miler V, McNulty BF, Savarese JJ.  1989.  Neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of mivacurium in children.. Anesthesiology. 70(2):237-42.